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Siskoid's avatar


In The Captains, William Shatner goes out to interview the other Starfleet captains who helmed Star Trek franchises, all the way to the current Captain Kirk. I was a little afraid it would devolve into a Shatner ego-fest, something I have less and less patience for as time goes by, but while yes, Shatner is the supreme egotist, there's enough honest introspection from him to make this a valuable document. I could jettison his visit to a convention where he basks in the adulation, mind you. It's the other captains I'm more interested in anyway: Patrick Stewart, the consummate unrepentant actor; Avery Brooks, the odd jazzman philosopher; Kate Mulgrew, the gracious battleaxe (I had my ups and downs with Janeway, but God I love Mulgrew); Scott Bakula, the grounded song and dance man; and Chris Pine, the young hotshot (not nearly enough with him). Other Trek insides sometimes come on with context. What emerges is six portraits of actors who had to lead a company of actors, leaders on screen, but in life too. How did they manage it, what did they sacrifice, and what did they take away from the experience? Honest conversations that will often make you wish Shatner would shut up and let his guests speak. Especially when he gets sexist with Mulgrew.
7 years 5 months ago
krakenzmama's avatar


A must see for Star Trek fans - Shatner did a tremendous job of interviewing the actors who performed the parts of Star Trek universe captains. It was like "In the Actors Studio" but for how the performers were able to create the personas for their respective captains. Well filmed, edited, and a fascinating glimpse into the minds of actors who take their craft very seriously
12 years 6 months ago
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