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andype's avatar


This is the one of the worst Disney productions I've ever seen. Wether there was bad casting or some connections, because I don't believe that it wasn't possible to find some halfway talented children to act in this Narnia movies. Also the story is boring and far from frish, original and exciting. Why does this actually exist? By the way: the only good actors in it are the animals, and I dont mean the voices. Maybe one exception of course: Tilda Swinton is a great actor, but she was barely on the screen and her appearance changes not very much. What is very sad: how little some people need by watching the movies! How it is possible, more people favorized this movie than dislike? Maybe the most of these 443 are the bots? This is the only understandable explanation. Ok, I'm done, sorry my poor English, but I was really trying my best.
9 months 4 weeks ago
Nightwalker's avatar


Even worse than the first Narnia film, Prince Caspian must be one of the most amateurishly acted movies I've seen in ages. While in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe you can forgive the child actors of finding their way in the acting world, discovering an own style and making authentic emotional expressions combined with their memorized lines, it is much harder to forgive them for it when there's almost no improvement to be seen three years later (except for maybe Georgie Henley). On the other hand, just like with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint it takes some time to adjust. For them it also took two Harry Potter movies to get the acting really going. Sadly it makes Prince Caspian hard to watch. There are no James McAvoy and (almost) no Tilda Swanton to cover things up this time. We get Peter Dinklage instead, but that nearly suffices. Especially with Ben Barnes doing a ridiculous Spanish accent. The storyline again is smothered by Christian symbolism and the cinematography by ridiculously bad blue screen effects. The result again is an awful picture that irritates more than it amuses.
9 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


In this one, the four kids return to Narnia (via the Shazam train), but it's centuries later and the magical world has fallen to that of Men. Now they must bring the magic back with the help of the title character, a Hamlet type on the run from his evil uncle. At 2½ hours, I was surprised at how underwritten it was, paying off small character arcs from the first film without necessarily reminding us of them. Nothing confusing, but audiences who've never seen Wardrobe would probably be lost. The film at least didn't feel its length, perhaps because it still has a rather simple plot, with big set pieces, both personal and epic. Wardrobe won me over because of some of the animal characters, but few guest-stars really do it for me here, the chivalrous mouse feeling a heck of a lot like a riff on Shrek's Puss'n'Boots (maybe because both films have the same director), and Prince Caspian is a bit of a douche, whom I certainly DON'T want to see win the day or get the girl. Flawed, but reasonable entertainment.
8 years 10 months ago
Zmoffy's avatar


11 years 3 months ago
dyin2live's avatar


This was intolerable. The book was not much to rave about but it was far better and far shorter. The director took far too many liberties with the script, scale, and storylibe. It amazes me that this film qualifies as a "favorite" for over 200 members. I would recommend the book over this since one could probably finish reading the 200 page book in less time than this 2 and a half hour movie.
11 years 7 months ago
afan's avatar


this movie really suffers from the source material. the book is great, but it just doesn't translate well into a great movie for this genre. it still is a very fun and good movie at it's heart. looking forward to Dawn Treader this Christmas!
13 years 7 months ago
Agent69's avatar


Definition of boring. 1h overlong
13 years 4 months ago
saydin7's avatar


one of the worst movies of all time
11 years 6 months ago
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