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Siskoid's avatar


After really digging John Frankenheimer's Grand Prix, I was keen on seeing The Gypsy Moths, which replaces Formula 1 drivers with daredevil skydivers. Their lives, their loves, an attempt at discerning what makes such men tick, and difficult-to-capture, done-for-real stunts. Yes, we get all that, but it's not quite as exciting as that previous film was. For one thing, it's top heavy. We start with an aerial stunt, but then spend more than an hour on their personal lives before finally getting to air show, which becomes a montage of jumps practically to the end. The show is neat, but the film never attempts to balance its ups and downs and is mostly stuck in the down position. Part of the problem is that everyone in this is so sad, except for Gene Hackman's character. Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr's From Here to Eternity reunion is lifeless despite the surprise nudity because their characters are so dour. There's a weird tension between them, as if they knew each other already, that's intriguing, but never justified or explored. Scott Wilson as the melancholy younger member of the trio has a good role, but lacks expression. Oh look, Bonnie Bedelia long before Die Hard! Sorry, got distracted there. I wish The Gypsy Moths had been a bit more exhilarating, but it's really kind of a downer.
5 years 1 month ago
Louis Mazzini's avatar

Louis Mazzini

9 years 5 months ago
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