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Emiam's avatar


A good and cozy family movie with nice CGI and exciting environments.
3 years 1 month ago
Agrimorfee's avatar


Yes, this is a surprisingly original and charming CGI adventure, with no celebrity voices, no body function jokes, no pop culture references. Found this purely by accident, my son and I loved it.
7 years ago
mdclarke's avatar


I was pleased with this movie-- it is visually splendid, features some creative set pieces, and ultimately never sours. Narrative-wise, it's a retread of the "save the farm" trope omnipresent in children's fiction, but is paced competently and satisfies. The 3D is simple and repetitive but on a rare occurrence allows for an effective display of magic. Sad to read that this only made about $4000 upon release in the US because it's definitely a strong match for the films of The Big Two (Pixar and Dreamworks, respectively).Outside of a bit of language (the word "damn" is thrown around a few times) and a couple of intense scenes, I would recommend this in the rolodex of family films to appease the kids.
8 years 11 months ago
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