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yungbigturk's avatar


i'm a sucker for CGI animal movies, as well as heist movies. Had a good time with this one

they managed to make will arnett a likeable protagonist despite his trademark douchey voice (i'm a big fan of arnett from Arrested Development), so I'd say the film was good with characterizations.

Was a humorous & exciting if a bit forgettable movie. Might have been trying too hard to be like Dreamworks, my least favorite part was a shoehorned Gangnam Style dance scene. Reminded me overall of "Over the Hedge".

The animation was nice, the dynamics of the animals in the park were intriguing enough. Recommended if you're the type of animation nerd who likes to watch things like the Looney Tunes still (myself), or if you have kids to watch it with (if you're normal i guess)
8 years 4 months ago
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