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Malena's avatar


Maggie Smith is legendary......
9 years ago
Siskoid's avatar


I thought the original was sweet film about dealing with a major change in one's life, but The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which returns to India and the stellar cast, is, I think, more entertaining. Part of it is revisiting with the memorable characters of the first film, but it's also more romantic, funnier, and hey, has a Bollywood dance number in it. Director John Madden has correctly identified what we liked about the first film, and cranked those elements up, while also exploring an interesting theme. "Second Best" is really about potential, how much there is of it, and how it doesn't do anyone any good if it isn't fully reached. For the seniors in the story, that potential seems to be running out... or is it? The original was really Judi Dench's and Tom Wilkinson's movie, but this time around, the MVPs are the great Maggie Smith and Dev Patel, both hilarious, especially as a double act. I'll even forgive Richard Gere's presence in this. So there.
9 years ago


I think this lacks a lot of the charm and magic of the first film, though remains entertaining enough.
8 years 10 months ago
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