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Siskoid's avatar


Anyone who enjoys Bo Burnham's shows should definitely check out Tim Minchin's, an obvious inspiration across the board. Ready for This? (2009) is heavy on songs, all of them clever and befitting from this ragtime master's incredible piano playing. It's the stand-up I wasn't as familiar with, but it got me laughing several times. In either mode, Minchin is consistently attacking hypocrisy, often but not exclusively religious, playing one unacceptable thing against what we do consider acceptable and shouldn't. This was the London show, and I gather from YouTube there's an Australian one. Personally, what I've seen of the Australian DVD is better recorded and I entirely prefer its rendition of Prejudice, but Dark Side and Wine in the Sun (if you don't cry like a baby at this Christmas song, you're not human) are different but equally good. It does show that while there's a great measure of control in the stage craft in Minchin's shows, his crowd work is more much improvisational (to the point of seeming nervous) and every show, even the songs, is slightly different, which sets him apart from his spiritual offspring. Do wish I had the Australian concert in its entirety to compare, but either one will do me for repeat viewings.
1 year 7 months ago
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