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Forzelius's avatar


As endearing as it was to see the gang again, it's still not clear why another instalment was needed. The end scene of the 3rd one was perfect and probably the best trilogy ending of all time.

That being said, the 4th had it's moments and the new characters (Key/Peele, Keanu, Mel, Reiner) worked very well and adapted nicely to the story. Still, I kinda wish they would've ended it with the third.
4 years 3 months ago
InTheSky's avatar


this film doesn't need to exist: Woody is absolutely out of character, spoiler this film completely ruined the toy story saga.
4 years 1 month ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


A heartwarming end to the series. This one really returns to the roots of the first film with Woody and Buzz being center stage and most of the ensemble list of characters exist in the background. The humor was good, and the message really hit home. I was doing great until the end. Some idiot brought onions to the theater and started cutting them right at the finale. Doggone it, sobbing like a child.
4 years 10 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Sweet, funny and endearing with GREAT Visuals. A happy return :-) We enjoyed it with the family
4 years 9 months ago
Emiam's avatar


No, now it is noticeable in the script that there is a lack of ideas. Not as charming as the first three movies, but fantastic CGI and entertaining for the moment for the whole family. :)
3 years 5 months ago
Aeon Rio's avatar

Aeon Rio

I guess this movie teaches that at some point in your life, you just need to let go of some things.

The three-headed sheeps were the cutest thing in the movie. spoiler
9 months 2 weeks ago
Hermit09's avatar


The only way this movie could be described is with Forky's favorite word: TRASH!

Yup, Toy Story should've remained a trilogy.
3 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Toy Story 4 expands on the toy universe in a couple ways, one of which isn't explored enough, and that's the birth of a toy. Forky is a homemade toy, and he is brought to life, is immediately funny, and in some ways it's kind of too bad the story isn't more about him. No, this is Woody's story, a quest to feel useful again now that he isn't the kid's favorite toy. The metaphor doesn't really come into sharp focus, but that's perhaps to the film's advantage. Aging audiences might connect to their own situation going into retirement, parents with their kid moving away from home or simply becoming more and more independent. The first Toy Story was 24 years ago, so the franchise has older fans that must be catered to. I'm sure the creepy dummies that act as villains were designed for older audiences too, but surprisingly, didn't hear any children freak out in the theater (adults, however...). Focused or not, the film delivers on laughs, looks gorgeous (duh), and is sincere and heartfelt. A lot of the original cast are sidelined - even Buzz until the third act, but then, maybe Tim Allen is so toxic at this point, we should call him the Anti-Tom Hanks - but Woody's new friends, some led by Little Furiosa - I mean, Little Bo Peep - are fun enough you don't miss them. Highlights include Key and Peele as plush carnival goons, Keanu Reeves as a Canadian Evel Knievel toy, and of course, Tony Hale as Forky. Christina Hendricks makes a fine villain you can care about too, and there are a few cameos worth perking your ears for. I haven't been the most invested in this world (this is the first one I've seen in theaters), but I quite liked it, thank you. One thing though: No short to precede it?
4 years 10 months ago
baraka92's avatar


Key and Peele stole the movie.
4 years 10 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


The weakest in the series, they really should have stopped with 4. Can see why Rashida was fired if this is all they could salvage.
4 years 7 months ago
Armoreska's avatar


It's annoying that they included -or had to include- lots of new token SJW characters (as toys): spoiler
4 years 7 months ago
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