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Siskoid's avatar


Move over Karmina, there's a new Quebecois vampire movie out and it's really great. Vampire humaniste cherche suicidaire consentant (Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person) is something of a cross between What We Do in the Shadows and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, and though Ariane Louis-Seize's first feature, it's a deftly juggled black comedy with a strong dramatic core about young people contemplating suicide. It images a droll vampire subculture, where vamps have families, kids, doctors, etc. and in comes Sasha, a late bloomer who, at the end of vamp adolescence, still hasn't managed to kill someone for herself. She has too much empathy. Can Paul, the school loser who hates his life bring her out of her shell by giving her his consent? Or is the whole thing going to end in a sweet, oddball romance that will save both their lives? The leads feel everything very acutely, but they're surrounded by comic performers who create a kind of absurdist nightmare around them (especially Paul's school environment). In a world gone mad, finding a purpose one can ethically tap into is the key to fighting despair... Great music too.
6 months 2 weeks ago
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