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Siskoid's avatar


As Romancing the Stone riffs go, Vibes is quite the odd duck. And I think I like it because it's so odd. Cyndi Lauper(!) and neurotic Jeff Goldbloom are psychics who get roped into a treasure hunt in the Andes by a fast-talkin', joke-a-minute Peter Falk, as other more nefarious parties also converge on a psychic MacGuffin in a lost city... See what I mean? The romance is cute (I guess I'm a fan of Cyndi Lauper as a screen presence, I can admit it). The comedy is light and bryond the ridiculousness of the premise, you can see the actors working overtime to include little bits of physical business here and there, appreciated. And the psychic powers are well used to get the heroes out of (and into) trouble. Actually shot in Ecuador, I do think Vibes would have benefited from better cinematography, but it often feels rather televisual and the backdrop sort of fades away. That's too bad. Making it feel more like a movie would have enlivened the seen-it-all-before treasure hunt plot.
3 years 9 months ago
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