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SpacePauls's avatar


Cheney shot someone in the face and got away with it. When Clinton did that he was impeached.
5 years 3 months ago
Norf's avatar


The makeup and hair was amazing, the ageing effects and just how uncannily they looked like their real life counterparts.
5 years 3 months ago
frankqb's avatar


As a film, "Vice" is better than "The Big Short". It is mostly clear, direct, honest while being entertaining. Christian Bale is phenomenal, and his supporting cast excellent. If Lynne Cheney was more of a public figure, more could be said of Amy Adams' performance, but instead accolades will go the male stars who held power. It is still just a "good" film, perhaps not a great film. Little of the information presented here is or should be new to those awake during the Bush years. Nonetheless, the people who pay attention are not McKay's primary audience.

As a political argument, "Vice" is a knockout punch. It is a bullet to the second-hand heart of Dick Cheney - a man McKay presents evidence to show as the epitome of corruption, unconstitutional power grabs, war mongering and evil. Nonetheless, this is not entirely a hit job, though it's hard to be sympathetic. One could argue (and McKay does) that Cheney's power-grabs and "Unitary Executive Theory" coupled with Fox News laid the groundwork for fascism in America, and then left it all in place when he retired -- leaving it to a less skilled politico who will continue to abuse it.

In any case, a good film worthy of praise. Fascinating and entertaining.

4 stars out of 5
5 years 4 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


It was okay, nothing special.

Some great performances in a movie that overall seemed to lack focus. Bale was incredible. Adams and Rockwell were very good. Carell wasn't a convincing Rumsfeld, that felt like a poor casting choice.

I do wish the movie had attempted to be more impartial, as even the Trump supporter in the end credits remarks, there is clearly bias. The Vice writers have history and facts on their side, had they presented a more measured and subtle film I feel it could have won over a lot more American Republicans, instead, it crudely shoves its message down viewers' throats. As canaan said, they're just preaching to the choir.

Also, how on earth did they let Condoleezza off so easy? After Cheney and Rumsfeld, she was quite possibly the worst from that snake pit administration.

Just to add a final point... the moment in the post credit scene where the right wing Trump supporter is arguing with the leftist, and we have two people in the group talking about the next Fast & Furious movie was such an up its own arse moment for a movie, and I fucking hate the F & F movies.
5 years 3 months ago
canaan's avatar


this is not the sort of film that is going to win republicans over and make them think that cheney/bush were bad people. This is very much a preaching to the choir (read: left) movie as it points out how much of a monster Cheney became as it absolutely skewers him for his misdeeds - and I loved every moment of it. Very funny in parts, excellent performances and a great narrative that helps explain the current state of the world to a causal non-political leftist. Thoroughly enjoyable but doesn't ask you to check your brain at the door either. Stay a few minutes for a bonus scene for a final wink from writer Adam MacKay about the way that he see's the divide between left and right currently.
5 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


Vice attempts to tell the story of Dick Cheney and the Bush presidency with the same kind of insolent comedy tricks Adam McKay used in The Big Short, but at times seemed to be tapping into Michael Moore territory with his use of stock footage. But then a lot of run time is devoted to standard biopic dramatic scenes that seemed designed to show that even monsters love their families, so McKay is juggling too many things for his own good. Either it's a shocking satire about one of recent history's most monstrous characters, covertly yet brazenly responsible for many of the problems we have today, or it's a humanizing character study, but it can't be both. Not in this format. Is the acting good? Generally, yes. Are there clever and funny bits? For sure. Is it giving you useful information about how the world works? Definitely. It just doesn't hang together all that satisfyingly. And if this makes you dread the eventual Trump movies that are sure come down the pike, whether pieces of revisionist or tell-all, look closer. Vice IS about the Trump presidency.
5 years 3 months ago
Panunzio's avatar


It's not often that very private public figures become the subject of biopics -- even in situations where they wield enormous power and influence. It's even rarer that these biopics stray from the fairly stifling mould of a stiff recreation of historical events.

Vice definitely takes some liberties with how it portrays historical events, and does so with playfulness and irreverence. In the end though, it's an effective portrayal of Dick Cheney as a character and as a political force. It shows his naked ambition, and how he managed to exercise his influence from a largely symbolic office to loom large over the halls of power in Washington.

It follows a similar formula to the Big Short, and while it's not as strong a film, it's still well worth watching -- especially for those with an interest in American politics.
2 years 4 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Intruiging, EXTREMELY well acted black comedy drama. Bale tour the force
2 years 12 months ago
252's avatar


@WanderingSoul, I don't really disagree with the fact that this movie's delivery is somewhat confusing, I believe that was the intention all along.

"As the world becomes more and more confusing, we focus on the things that are right there in front of us, while ignoring the massive forces that actually change and shape our lives. And, with people working longer and longer hours for less and less, when we do have free time, the last thing we want is complicated analysis of our government, lobbying, international trade agreements and tax bills. So its no surprise that when a monotone bureaucratic vice president came to power, we hardly noticed, as he achieved a position of authority that very few leaders in the history of America ever had. Forever changing the course of history for millions and millions of lives. And he did it like a ghost[sic]."

I would like to believe the reasons for this alternation between the lighthearted and the tragic and heavy are the following:

1) To, almost allegorically, show how easily we are fooled into thinking politicians are 'cool' and how dangerous populism and identity politics can be (making Cheney look unambiguously charismatic, righteous or just a strong figure in certain scenes and an evil son-of-a-bitch in others).
2) To keep the viewer interested, as illustrated by the paraphrased movie's interjection above, whilst feeding as much fact as possible about the Cheney legacy without sounding dry or distanced.
3) To further illustrate how little value the human life can suddenly have in some of our minds, if we allow it, in times of conflict (and thus, opportunity for some) and war.
4) To disgust the viewer and possibly evoke some sort of hatred towards the perpetrators of these war crimes.

Edit: Keep in mind, like any film {'about politics'}, this is all propaganda. Every piece of art is an interpretation of the world and then we interpret it a second time upon experiencing it. A movie has tremendous power in the "perception-bending" department.
5 years 1 month ago
Adrian B AWESOME's avatar


I did not like this at all, and I think Dick Cheney is a fucking evil sonofabitch.
5 years 3 months ago
Michael12's avatar


I have to say I was surprised how much I enjoyed this movie. That's not to say I didn't expect it to be good, I did, but the movie surpassed my expectations. Christian Bale gives a career performance and once again shows his versatility as an actor, Amy Adams and Steve Carrell also do a great job. I thought Vice was better and much funnier than McKay's previous film the Big Short. Definitely one of my favorite films of the year.
5 years 3 months ago
gobberpooper's avatar


The one thing this movie perfected is Dick Cheney's horrible breathing and heart attacks.

Otherwise it took what shouldve been a very straightforward story about one of the most evil people to walk the planet and made it muddled.
5 years ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

I still haven't seen the big short, so this style of film-making was really alien to me. But it was so unique, including the supposed credit scene mid way through the movie (someone actually got up thinking the movie ended LOOOL). Very memorable scenes throughout the movie and it sheds a light into the life of Cheney and the devastating impact his decisions and moraaly questionable views/beliefs led to.

Definitely recommended
5 years 3 months ago
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