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fjcaetano's avatar


This is undoubtely one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen and by far the best Pixar movie. I believe it will be really hard to overcome such an achievement.

Everything works just perfectly. It's a movie that draws you in from the very beginning to the end with very few lines and speeches. The physical expressions in the characters are sublime and couldn't be better. Even the most slobbery scenes are fascinating. It's beautiful to see how age seems to give wisdom to the robots.

Been a movie made by americans it's really surprising to see the amazing critics to the american way of life, its effect in our beloved planet and how we are affected by ourselves.

Some things are worthy of attention like how the humans start to relearn life when they stop to look around and the obvious homages to 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek, Star Wars, E.T., Close Encounters... and last, but not least, Charles Chaplin. Wall-E is, in everything he does, Chaplin in space. From the loneliness, to the interest in human kind, the clumsy way, the sad eyes, the issues with authorities. But don't think it's plagiarism. Actually it is a beautiful tribute to the romantic comedies from mute cinema.

The space ballet scene is truly remarkable and worthy of kudos for being one of the most beautiful scenes in modern animation history along with Aladdin's Whole New World and the Lady and the Tramp's spaghetti. The ending credits also are part of Pixar's lust for details: how it goes along from the rock and egyptian paintings from the beginning of civilization to 8 bit graphics. Genius.

But what most amazes me is Pixar's quest to improve not only the technics and graphics but also the narrative. Today, Pixar really is the most passionated Hollywood studio. "Characters with child appeals, but grown ups issues", as wrote David A. Price in the book The Pixar Touch.

Absolutely deserved the 2009 Academy Award for best Animated Feature and surprises me for not being nominated for Best Picture.

10/10 (If I could give more, I would)
13 years 2 months ago
exciting's avatar


I watched Wall-E without knowing what the plot was. I was pleasantly surprised. Beautiful film.
9 years 8 months ago
danisanna's avatar


so cute! We really should take better care of our planet
10 years 10 months ago
sammysin's avatar


Gets better with every viewing. Lovely and stunning.
11 years 10 months ago
Jay AK's avatar

Jay AK

Love story between robots. Hey whatever Pixar produces i'm in
8 years ago
Catherine Dixon's avatar

Catherine Dixon

My mom thinks this movie is a bit dark because it shows you what the future might be like if we don't take care of it. But she still likes it.
9 years 11 months ago
fangtasia's avatar


This is absolutely adorable and beautiful to see.
12 years 9 months ago
cyphax's avatar


This is my favorite Pixar film. It hits the right spot for me so it's also among my favorite films ever. Stunningly beautiful, and insanely well made. I absolutely love it.
13 years 3 months ago
Scratch47's avatar


Their best, along with Toy Story 2 and Up. :)
13 years 4 months ago
andrea2107's avatar


Amazing...I love it...eeeeevaaaaa
13 years 7 months ago
christ610's avatar


Indeed very interesting and beautiful movie.. loved the characters..
14 years ago
Nilofarish's avatar


One of my favorite of Pixar
14 years 1 month ago
Toastinator's avatar


WALL-E is probably the most charming film I've ever seen. A must see for everyone who is alive.
3 years 4 months ago
Earring72's avatar


Great looking and sounding kids movie. Great family fun
4 years 2 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


This Pixar starts out very strong, on a postapocalyptic Earth where a small robot is compacting trash, seemingly forever. It's melancholy and full of every day wonder, and all done mostly as a silent film. It allows me to think the film will end on a bittersweet note, if not an outright downer, which almost happens and would have been a spectacular surprise, if not exactly good for the intended audience (but then, a lot of kid-oriented things in my youth were sad). In that context, the runaround on the humans' spaceship undoes a lot of the magic and becomes a typical animated flick, with lots of running around, gags, making friends easily to suddenly boost the cast, comedy humans, and nasty villains (I did appreciate the 2001 references though).
8 years 11 months ago

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