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Comments 1 - 6 of 6

Earring72's avatar


Ok but very average. Not enough satire and Pitt performance feels forced
6 years 5 months ago
Norf's avatar


"Not funny enough to be satire, not realistic enough to count as political commentary, not exciting enough to work as a war movie."
6 years 5 months ago
lachyas's avatar


Lakeith Stanfield, what a talent. Dude only gets a handful of scenes but steals the entire movie, despite being surrounded by superfluous cameos from big stars. The scene where he's asking questions of McMahon is the highlight of an otherwise midling affair.
7 years ago
DaniloFreiles's avatar


Questo film sembra una parodia, ma non troppo, della realtà su come viene gestita l'invasione dell'Afghanistan.
Però c'è una scena chiave che merita di essere menzionata:
Dirigente Afghano: L'eroina è l'unica cosa che porta denaro in quest'area. Non mi piace pensare dove finisca il denaro, ma rende la gente felice e noi ci adeguiamo.
Protagonista: Non possono coltivare qualcos'altro?
DA: Sì, il cotone! Il cotone cresce qui.
P: Allora perché non coltivano il cotone?
DA: Perché il congresso degli Stati Uniti non permette che i fondi per lo sviluppo vengano utilizzati per colture che finiranno sul mercato, entrando così in competizione con i coltivatori americani. Questo esclude il cotone.
P: Esatto.
DA: Allora coltiviamo eroina.
P: Esatto.
4 years 4 months ago
gobberpooper's avatar


It feels like everyone completely missed what this movie was because of how it was marketed.

It is *not* a comedy. Satire and comedy are closely related, but a movie can be 100% satirical without ever once making a joke. It is a quasi-biographical movie with an edge of satire showing the utter futility of the war in Afghanistan and all wars like it.

It centers on a man who is thrown into the center of a complete clusterfuck where the question is "....well now what?" Every single side he has to deal with, the politicians, the other generals, the soldiers etc are all in opposition to each other and don't even have an understanding of the situation.

It's not a great movie, it's an okay movie for a lot of reasons, but the criticisms are different than what people are saying.
5 years 9 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


A colossally miscalculated satire.
7 years ago
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