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Jook's avatar


Richard's journey starts small and focuses on the characters. This allows the viewer to really feel the struggles of the second and third acts. It just wouldn't work if no care was taken in those opening scenes. Without it you wouldn't feel any conflict during Richard's moral dilemma- something that is pivotal to the story.

I won't spoil anything because this is one of those 'better if you don't know anything about it' flicks, but there's a scene about 2/3rds of the way through that blew me away. It's a very simple scene and is something that so many films (and actors) try and fail at.

The third act feels like a bit of a let-down, considering that the film was built so beautifully. It fails to capitalise on the momentum that was been built. Nevertheless WHAT RICHARD DID is a striking and thoughtful drama that avoids cheap tricks.

The lead Jack Reynor is excellent but Roisin Murphy (no, not the one out of Moloko) is the real star of the show. She's one to watch.
10 years 8 months ago
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