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neocowboy's avatar


The first werewolf transformation that starts at the spoiler
9 years 4 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


WolfCop was filmed in Saskatchewan. I've never been to flat country, but it's a great stand-in for the American Midwest. And while this ridiculous take on both The Wolfman and The Wicker Man (and possibly Hot Fuzz by way of the latter) isn't on par with similarly recent horror comedies like Zombeavers - I can't recommend the acting, for example - it does have its moments, and definitely things you've never seen before. Don't go take the clothes out of the dryer when WolfCop walks into that bar bathroom, that's all I'll say. Very gory, with a gratuitous sex scene... It's another of those 80s horror (and in this case, action) tributes/parodies, with healthy dollop of gallows humor and a complex (but not complicated) plot that keeps things moving. Fun nonsense, and yes, there's a sequel planned, ladies.
8 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Delightfully wonderfully bad! It lives up exactly to the expectations of wonderful terribleness.
9 years 1 month ago
Nightwalker's avatar


Another b-movie! Yet again I found myself watching one of those movies where almost everyone looks aghast, asking themselves: "Why?" And then there's me. 'Cause it's about a cop. That's a wolf. That kills bad guys. Who are shapeshifters. And have a kind of satanic cult. With a soundtrack composed by RidingEasy Records (the heavy psych / fuzz label that signed awesome bands like Black Prism, Salem's Pot, Electric Citizen, Albino Python and The Picturebooks and (re-)released tapes of Saint Vitus, Graveyard, Witchcraft and Orchid). Oh, and it has tons of blood, gore and splatter. And to top it all off, it has an awesome looking werewolf reminiscent of those in Werewolves on Wheels, not that over-stylized Twilight shit. I can keep on going. The only question to ask yourself is: "Why not?" This is the sort of movie that's the ultimate kind of entertainment for me. Compared to Hollywood this Canadian movie is low budget, but don't be fooled, the total cost still is around €700.000. However, when you see the trailer of that other, insanely stupid looking, Canadian werewolf movie Wolves (which actually will get a theatrical release in Belgium) and know that one cost almost 15 million euro's, one can wonder why WolfCop doesn't suffice. To throw in some other numbers: the Danish werewolf (art)movie When Animals Dream had a budget of around 2.5 million euro's and the latest American blockbuster about werewolves (The Wolfman, 2010) cost 123 million euro's. I only want to point out the ridiculous waste of money when it comes to some movies. If an entertaining movie (WolfCop) costs €700.000 and a more highbrow movie (When Animals Dream) costs €2.5 million, isn't that enough? Why must entertainment be funded by such capital when it can be made with much less? Such capital prevents true creative freedom, 'cause money is restrictive, not liberating. Above all, it's not that this kind of capital is needed for technical progress, 'cause we're not looking at themes like in Avatar, Gravity or Interstellar. This is horror. Pictures like Wolves and The Wolfman are redundant and therefor waste. We need a wolfcop to prevent this crap from happening in the future!
9 years 5 months ago
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