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lachyas's avatar


Basically a full length version of Gal Gadot's Imagine video.
3 years 4 months ago
LilNinja24's avatar


I was excited about this...but there were just so many plot holes we couldn't take it seriously. Pretty disappointed, but at least we had a good laugh.
3 years 4 months ago
kurisu1974's avatar


Didn't make a lick of sense. Didn't do much meaningful with the 80s setting either, the whole nonsensical finale was set in a featureless gray bunker.
3 years 4 months ago
Earring72's avatar


What a total letdown. After the great first WW movie which was fun, exciting and a really good Superhero movie.

This was overlong, dull, lacking in thrills, full of plotholes, low on action and overall very dissapointing. 1984 setting adds nothing and although the message is sincere.....it just doesn't work.

What a shame.....
2 years 1 month ago
Siskoid's avatar


After the first Wonder Woman became the first generally critic-proof DCEU movie, putting the lie to the idea that women can't be blockbuster action heroes, it seemed like Patty Jenkins was heralded as a genius and any flaws could be attributed to the Snyder touch. Well... as of WW84, it's still a lie that women can't be action heroes (because it's always been), and aside from the murky final fight between Diana and the Cheetah the action scenes are bright and exciting, but I don't think Jenkins is any better or worse than your typical hired gun on superhero movies. She had a hand in the writing, and it's still a mess. Half the movie is basically an extended joke about all 1980s things, cramming every fad into the frame to the point where it's no longer the action 1980s, but the 80s diner version from Back to the Future Part II. The mall fight at the start in fact looks like a parody of an Arnold movie from that era, and I might have found that amusing if they'd actually put bad synths under it. Even the plot feels like one of those silly fantasies from that decade. Well, one or five! A wishing stone, a woman who suddenly becomes sure of herself, a human monkey's paw, a man from the past interacting with the "futuristic" 80s, a woman whose dead lover returns... I do think the script cleverly ties its three villains (yes, three, there's a deep cut there for Bronze Age Wonder Woman fans) through a single concept, but it doesn't smooth over the many plot holes, the most blatant being that Diana enters the final fight in a costume she didn't have with her (what the heck?), and the most egregious spoiler. I do like the resolution even if it's largely nonsense, and if this is an indulgent mess of movie, at least the leads are likeable enough to carry it through.
3 years 4 months ago
chunkylefunga's avatar


Man, as a big fan of the comic books, this pretty much fell flat as every possible avenue.

Did DC learn nothing from Superman IV.

You have a wealth of comic book history and you choose the lazy doppelgänger storyline?

And who the hell thought Kristen Wiig was a good choice? The woman cannot act. She can pretty much only do 'awkward'. She can't do villainous and she definitely can't do femme fatale.

Pedro Pascal was completely wasted in this movie.

Hopefully they won't make a sequel.
3 years 4 months ago
Ceejzor's avatar


Pretty poopy... the first scene with her as a child had good start but then the first 20 minutes of her as an adult had some of the worst acting EVER! The main cast was great but the story and acting was GARBAGE!
3 years 4 months ago
AndrewB's avatar


Another movie where the super hero fights herself. Why not use a supervillain from decades of comic book material instead of always creating a doppelganger?
3 years 4 months ago
Pauljt1980's avatar


Basically it’s just Wishmaster on a grander scale.
3 years 4 months ago
amir147's avatar


I agree with "chunkylefunga"

However, this movie was not that bad especially in this period of lockdown (Covid-19).

Negative points:
1) Kristen Wiig is not good enough for negative (villain) roles.
2) Maybe it is just me but I felt that the special effects were weak (come on guys, we are in 2021).
3 years 4 months ago
Emiam's avatar


2 years 7 months ago
jpizzack's avatar


Just when you thought DC couldn't get any lower, they go ahead and release WW84.

Admittedly, I really like the first movie. First time since the Dark Knight Trilogy I could say that. But man, this was just godawful. It's like one huge 80's joke, and it's horribly cast. Kristen Wiig as a villain?? Pedro Pascal as....whatever the heck that was? What a waste. Probably his worst role ever.

I'd say that up until the moment it thankfully ended, I knew what was going on about 25% of the time.
3 years 3 months ago
zenigame's avatar


As bad as the first was good
3 years 4 months ago
Aeon Rio's avatar

Aeon Rio

What? It wasn't that bad!

I mean, Gal Gadot's acting hasn't improved much but the story was enjoyable. Chris Pine was an absolute delight and Pedro Pascal's acting was as expected.

Kristen Wiig's character felt redundant, mostly because there was no development showing her transition from being an awkward scientist to a villain. It was like the scriptwriter flipped a switch or something.

The scene where Diana's wish was renounced definitely could have been and should have been more emotional. I think it would have been if Gal Gadot was better at acting.

Action scenes were as bad as the first movie.

But overall I don't think the rating is justified. It deserves at least a 6.2 generally.
10 months 2 weeks ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Wow, such a goofy movie. Started off incredibly promising but devolved rapidly from there. Kristen Wiig is barely tolerable and is more than a bit miscast here. spoiler The overall plot is not the greatest, and so at 151 minutes it feels crushingly long and tedious. You get the feeling that DC can really struggle with making a movie with an average tone as opposed to their usual dark and moody stuff. There's a ton of DC's classic "don't look over there or think about the plot that much" which is just sloppy script writing.

As to the setting, I think it likes to think of itself as a love letter to the 80's but it is far, far from that. More like an off-key mockery of the decade to be honest.
2 years ago

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