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Siskoid's avatar


You, Me and Him is an amusing if not always unpredictable lesbian romcom produced by Georgia Tennant, and therefore, it seems, full of actors who have been on Doctor Who (including herself, her husband David, her dad Peter Davison* in a very small part, Sarah Parish, David Warner, and others). The story involves one of the couple (Lucy Punch) wanting a child, getting artificially inseminated, and the other (Faye Marsay) getting pregnant accidentally while on a bender, and of course the douchey baby-daddy (Tennant) wants to be in the child's life and disrupts their lives. At its most predictable, the one who wants a baby finds pregnancy more than she can bear, and so on, but its turns into drama are more unexpected, and the characters were well-rounded and interesting, as so often happens in British comedies of this stripe. And while it was touching at times, I let out a number of belly laughs. The pre-natal class stuff alone... If you know me, you know I'm a difficult audience when it comes to comedy - tears, I'm easy; laughs, I'm not. This one gave me both.
5 years 7 months ago
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