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inhonoredglory's avatar


What a sweet musical -- Fred Astaire playing the shy dancer who's looking for work in South America, Rita Hayworth playing one of a family of sisters with a father who orchestrates everyone's lives. A more unique plot, I thought, paired with good humor and a lovely starring pair made this a joy to watch.
12 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


You Were Never Lovelier is the follow-up to You'll Never Get Rich, more of a proper musical this time with Astaire (Robert) and Hayworth (Maria) falling in love during a dance and singing songs to get their feelings out. It's also got more of a plot, as Maria's father tries to trick her into getting married so he can move on to the next daughter down the line, and Robert accidentally becoming the man all those secret love notes are ascribed to. It's got a strong romcom structure with parental meddling insuring the needed emotional pendulum. The dancing is very strong from both leads, Astaire handing himself one very athletic solo number for god measure, and while I wouldn't call any of the songs particularly memorable, they're all sweet, just like the romance. Rita Hayworth is so lovely - once again - it's a real wonder Astaire never got to work with her again. He was wont to say she was his favorite partner, and they do make a good pair. Oh well. She brightens up the screen with or without him.
5 years 8 months ago
max-scl's avatar


Based on the Argeninian film "Los Martes, Orquídeas"
8 years 4 months ago
duchin6's avatar


Fred and Rita only made 2 films together,i wished there would have been more,i think I read somewhere where Fred had said Rita Hayworth was the one he liked dancing with the most,the shorty George number was pure magic.
8 years 6 months ago
Louise_Dietrich's avatar


Too bad they only made two films together. I do agree with the comment below, she did make a better dancing partner than Ginger Rogers. Hayworth and Astaire moved in ways I didn't know was possible.
11 years 4 months ago
ClassicLady's avatar


I've always thought Rita Hayworth made a better dancing partner for Fred Astair than Ginger Rogers. Miss Hayworth matched Mr Astair's sense of being a feather blown by a wispy wind when they danced. There was never any sense of effort or pressure when they danced. Miss Hayworth could match his tap steps and was limber enough to bend and fold any way he tossed her. Paired with the marvelous music in this movie, time, space, and even physics are suspended while they dance.
11 years 10 months ago
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