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Siskoid's avatar


Even though the two families go on Christmas holiday together in the Alps, they still find a way to respect the premise promised in the title, but Your Christmas or Mine 2 just doesn't really commit to it. Or to much of any plot. Sure, there's a comic misunderstanding surrounding a wedding ring, and it does lead to a very sweet ending, but generally, this is a hang-out movie where the characters from the first film are on holiday (yes, it's the dreaded "European Vacation" sequel) and do holiday things, or perhaps have moments that evoke the first film. In the mix for American audiences(?) is Jane Krakowski, playing a shade of the self-absorbed character she's been playing for years, but then, Asa Butterfield might as well be his character from Sex Education. This isn't too demanding a movie from any of the particulars. If you invested in the characters from the first film, then you'll probably like spending more time with them, but unlike the first chapter, events don't really build one upon the other.
5 months 3 weeks ago
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