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Armoreska's avatar


Saving Private Russian, half the ranking
9 years 8 months ago
Jace Lightner's avatar

Jace Lightner

"As a combat veteran I give this movie two thumbs up. You will understand the terrible thing that is war a little better after you watch this" - B.Hofstetter

This quote is a true reflection of 'The Star' by Nikolai Lebedev. As soon as the feature starts you feel a sense of uneasiness permeating through your body as if you were present in that situation. It was a truly chilling and an edge of your seat experience. It wasn't so much the violent aspect of it but rather the contemplation of what would happen if members of the reconnaissance team were captured.
If I had to describe this film in one word, it would be tense!

I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in wartime dramas. I heard it did very well domestically and I hope it receives due attention internationally. It's on par with movies like Saving Private Ryan in my opinion.
10 years 11 months ago
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