m31nCtutW's awards

This page shows a user's awards. Awards can be gained by seeing certain percentages of the movies in a top list. For different percentages, there are different versions of the awards. The four different possible versions of each award are: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. The exact cutoffs linked to the different versions are listed at the bottom of this page. Please note that the awards list is updated once every day. We will send you a private message if you have gained, lost, or had the status of an award updated. What a service, right?

  • IMDb's Independent Top 50 (bronze) awarded at  7 April 2023
  • IMDb's Crime Top 50 (bronze) awarded at 22 October 2021
  • IMDb's 1990s Top 50 (bronze) awarded at 26 March 2019
  • FilmTotaal Forum's Top 100 (bronze) awarded at 17 February 2017
  • IMDb's 2000s Top 50 (bronze) awarded at  1 February 2014
  • IMDb's Drama Top 50 (bronze) awarded at  1 February 2014
  • MovieSense 101 (bronze) awarded at 28 October 2013