Paravail's comments

Comments 1 - 25 of 145

Paravail's avatar


"It's not a ghost story, it's a story with ghosts in it."
3 months 1 week ago
Paravail's avatar


They had SO MUCH lore to draw upon. SO MUCH fan made content to take inspiration from. And THIS is the best they could come up with?
7 months 1 week ago
Paravail's avatar


Nobody has any right to criticize super hero movies as cliched, poorly plotted, melodramatic or pretentious while shit like this exists.
1 year 9 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Coulda been worse.
1 year 11 months ago
Paravail's avatar


So, it has all the problems Bollywood movies usually have: way too long, tonally inconsistent, overacted and about as subtle as a sledgehammer. But I will say, its direct and rather brutal takedown of organized religion impressed me. I always assumed India had a conservative culture that viewed religion with deference. This movie does no such thing. Granted most of its ideas aren't groundbreaking, but when you look at the kinda have to admire the balls of saying the things it does.
1 year 12 months ago
Paravail's avatar


A lot of these nostalgia-bait soft remakes recreate scenes from the first movie, but this one takes "hey, remember this?" it to a whole new level.
2 years ago
Paravail's avatar


If you haven't seen Wandavision you'll be pretty lost.
2 years ago
Paravail's avatar


Pretty sure this was the inspiration for Tumblr.
2 years 7 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Weak, sequel-bait ending aside, this is a very solid story throughout, well structured and with each episode raising the stakes and offering resolution. So many streaming shows string the audience along, hinting that if you just keep watching there will eventually be some payoff. With Squid Game you get payoff in every episode. That alone makes it leagues better than most other shows out there.
2 years 7 months ago
Paravail's avatar


So, I'm not one to use the term "greatest movie of all time" lightly, BUT...
2 years 11 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Kurosawa may well be the greatest film director who has ever lived.
2 years 11 months ago
Paravail's avatar


I get why people like it, I get why it's "good"...but I just found it really slow, boring and uneventful.
3 years 1 month ago
Paravail's avatar


The degree to which I did not care about the human drama shocked me.
3 years 2 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Y'know, if you can afford 8 million dollars for a painting, you can afford to be ripped off for 8 million dollars.
3 years 2 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Makes it kinda hard to watch a Woody Allen movie again.
3 years 2 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Great acting by Gyllenhaal (you really see him channeling his inner Joaquin Phoenix here,) and the supporting case does well too, especially Riz Ahmed as a naive, sincere, and morally centered foil to Gyllenhaal's nake sociopathy. Seriously, Gyllenhaal almost plays the role TOO well. I think most of us have met someone like his character: someone who talks in cliches and affectations, someone who just comes across as fake. The plot is simple but effective, and while the criticism of the media sensationalizing violence s pretty on the nose, it is (unfortunately) not exaggerated. The movie feels chillingly realistic, and as such is very effective thriller that really gets under your skin.
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Pretty good, overall. I found it a little uncanny to see a very Tom Clancy-esque story about submarines and nuclear war delivered through the lens of French cinema. Watching a military film where all the characters speak French is unusual enough, and there's a veneer of "Frenchness" over everything that makes it seems a little usually, kind of like with "Leon the Professional." The story is pretty tight, with a few contrivances, and everything is delivered with an unexpected amount of emotional sincerity. Overall, a pretty solid movie, feeling both very familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


A talented cast, and a very interesting concept (young couple gets trapped in an endless suburban sprawl.) Unfortunately, it feels like the writer didn't really know what to do with the concept. spoiler Overall the movie is pretty slow paced and inconsequential. Not boring exactly, but ALMOST boring.
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


This movie has all the trappings of a solid if derivative action spy thriller in the vein of The Bourne Identity. A very talented cast of A-listers, gorgeous cinematography, competent and at times exciting fight choreography, and a pretty kick-ass soundtrack. The first fifteen minutes or so signal a much better movie than the one we get. spoiler It's a real shame because some very talented people clearly put some real effort into several parts of the film. The screenwriter was not one of those people. It reminded me a bit of the The 13th Warrior in that regard: you could see the good movie hidden under the surface.
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


There's some pretty nutty true crime stories out there...but this one takes the cake. It's crazier than Tiger King. Jeez, what is it with insane people and cats?
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


A fun, reasonably smart adventure romp with good acting and character interactions. Overall, a fine little movie.
3 years 3 months ago
Paravail's avatar


One of the worst directed movies I've ever seen. And boring as hell until the last 20 minutes.
3 years 4 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Very depressing. In a good way.
3 years 4 months ago
Paravail's avatar


The last scene ALMOST makes up for the rest of the movie. Almost.
3 years 5 months ago
Paravail's avatar


Delightfully cheesy and the most 90's thing to ever exist.
3 years 5 months ago

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