frankqb's comments - page 13

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frankqb's avatar


A fun and surprisingly insightful/scary look at a fictional future state where the most popular program on state-controlled TV is a game show that pits enemies of the state against professional "stalkers". With the deck stacked against the "contestant", most will die. Schwarzenegger is suddenly thrust into the game and it is a race against oppression and impending death.

Despite its heavy 80s influence and one-liners, this is a fun, intelligent look at commercialization and television. One of Arnold's better sci-fi films that doesn't end in "erminator".
12 years ago
frankqb's avatar


Like a weak cup of tea, "Snow White and The Huntsman" is under-brewed and un-satisfying. What begins with real promise gives way to a one-note story built on a chase through an under-explained world. Ironically, much of the joy of watching this film is gone when Charlize Theron isn't on screen as the wicked Queen - though I do feel that at certain moments Kristen Stewart actually showed the possibility of being a respectable actor someday.

Ultimately, the director did a decent job with a poor and forgettable script. 2 stars out of 4
12 years ago
frankqb's avatar


After the horrid second installment in this series, MiB 3 was on no one's wish list. Fortunately, it turned out better than expected. While the first act spins its wheels, the movie takes on a great charm with the added presence of the remarkable Josh Brolin. The film even reaches surprisingly emotional moments in an unexpectedly great 3rd act.

Not outstanding, but worth the price of admission...though, as usual, don't bother paying for 3D. You're not missing anything.

2.5 stars out of 4
12 years ago
frankqb's avatar


A refreshingly positive movie featuring a smorgasbord of Canadiana. Solid acting and an inventive script that plays a little like a cross between "Garden State" and "500 Days of Summer" (with more pathos) drive this movie to decent if not great heights. Canadians will get the in jokes about coffee, hockey, and biking cross country from Newfoundland for a case of beer. Others, much less so. Ultimately, the over-Canadian-ness of it will hold it back from reaching the highest international heights, but "One Week" is an inspiring, merry movie that should be sought out.

3.5 stars out of 4.
12 years ago
frankqb's avatar


A pleasant documentary about working hard to achieve your dreams. Much of the story is told by Clash himself along with a few interviews from family, friends, co-workers and celebrities.

Most touching is reliving Jim Henson's vision though Clash's blossoming career.

The documentary does suffer from a lack of video for many elements of its story and thus has to come up with creative ways to use still photos (sometimes more than once) and the interviews to fill the visual space - often to the detriment of the story.

Not a documentary to blow you away, but a pleasant and joyful one nonetheless.

3 stars out of 4
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


The opening five minutes of this film unfortunately seal its fate as misguided but not without value. The exposition of Barnabus' story is so poorly handled, you have to think that some studio boss shoved their nose where it didn't belong or this film was rushed along before it was ready in order to capitalize on a mini vampire craze. The result is a love story that never takes off, leaving the audience only with a few decent laughs in a "fish-out-of-time-period story" and a poor third act that feels as unsatisfying as being a vampire must.

While Depp is good, I can't imagine Tim Burton knowingly doing such a half-hearted job on a film that seems so up his alley. Strong potential wasted.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


Comparisons to "Clue" will abound, but "Murder by Death" is its own film. This quick-paced near-absurdist comedy is highlighted by the great work of its ensemble cast - particularly by a young Maggie Smith, Peter Falk and Alec Guinness.

While the film does feature some genuine Neil Simon laughs, the bizarre twists and turns and dated politically incorrect humour eventually become a little too much to bear, and the film spins into a sort of humourless free fall.

2 and a half stars out of 4.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


While the production elements such as music, voice over etc., show their age, the story itself is deeply engrossing even for non-basketball fans. The filmmakers spend so much time with their two protagonists and capture such surprisingly intimate moments of their young basketball careers that we care about every jump-shot and hold our collective breath as the ball bounces around the rim teetering between in and out.

While not the most important documentary ever made, it does seem to be the one that digs most deeply into its characters.

12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


An important film recounting the most important American political scandal of the early 21st century - the lies that send the US to war in Iraq and the crimes committed to cover up the truth about that country's lack of nuclear weapons.

Penn and Watts' acting carries the film as it methodically lays out the groundwork for lengths the White House went to to get the "right" answer to spin to the press. What is remarkable about this story is the length to which the press seems almost complacent in allowing the subversion of power.

Though not a remarkable film, it does tell a very important story, and the family drama has its place, nonetheless the real standout moments are the closing minutes as Joe Wilson knocks the situational ball out of the ball park with a rallying cry against tyranny and Plame testifies before congress.

If you don't know this story of Valerie Plame, the film might amaze you. For political junkies, it might just be a pleasant trip down corruption memory lane.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


A very funny script by the very talented Joss Whedon seems to the be the real star of this film. In terms of screen presence though, Robert Downey Jr. seemed - once again - to be the only person up there enjoying himself. The remaining actors (outside of a wonderful Mark Ruffalo) all seemed a little redundant much like the plot.

What the Avengers boils down to is quite a few good laughs, a few action sequences where people get knocked down repeatedly, and - the most enjoyable part - conversations between superheroes.

Better than okay, but not quite great.

12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


Looking forward to an iPhone app! I constantly find myself thinking I wish I could check movies from my phone.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


An odd picture of the odd cultural mash up that is Canada. Hilarious perhaps mostly for Canadians who have studied French. Ultimately, the film however is sloppily edited, is all subplot and no plot, and is vaguely offensive and hokey (though its hokeyness is part of its charm). The film doesn't even give proper resolution to its characters' stories. 2 stars out of 4.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


Top speed driving through the streets of an early-morning Paris, no stopping for lights. Feel the streets whiz past you as the camera shows a fixed point-of-view from the front bumper of the car.

Jaw-dropping comes to mind as an adjective. Dangerous, certainly another.
12 years 1 month ago
frankqb's avatar


A well-made Canadian film about the greatest hockey player of all time. The film makes the wise decision to put some substance behind the sport too and follow the struggles of French Canadians for recognition and appreciation in an Anglo-dominated Canadian society.
12 years 2 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A good performance by Ledger in an otherwise poor story with meaningless diversions. Not nearly the film Batman Begin was.
12 years 2 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Brilliant addition to the site, guys! I've been a member since early fall '09 and have been so delighted to see how much you've done to make this site grow. You should all be proud of your hard work.

Don't mind the negativity from the others. People can't stand change to their favourite websites. Look at the crap that Facebook goes through when they tweak a tiny feature. In fact, I'd consider the negativity over design changes a sign of affection, really.

Thanks again for providing such a great website. As soon as I can spare the $ I'll be purchasing a premium account subscription to keep supporting your efforts.

To paraphrase my testimonial from those early days: I am still in love with this site and it's STILL a part of my regular web-surfing habits.

12 years 2 months ago
frankqb's avatar


An absolute delight of a romantic comedy. One of Woody Allen's best by far. This film contains one of my favourite lines form any film (and I'm roughly paraphrasing from memory): "I met the man of my dreams today. He's fictional, but you can't have everything."

12 years 2 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Not without merit, but ultimately lacking in the tension and interplay between a sense of humanity and survival that made the book so great. Strong performances from the major stars, perhaps save Hutcherson as Peeta. The great Stanley Tucci seems wasted in his role which, here, is relegated to chief expositioner. Not something to rush out to see. A rental will do you fine if you must see it.
12 years 3 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A refreshingly well done film that edges through drama, comedy, rom-com, stoner comedy, buddy comedy and inspirational stories.

While it does hold a certain formulaic charm, its wit, positivity and original take on cancer are strong enough to make it entirely worth the watch.

Not a film to blow you away, but a nice one nonetheless.
12 years 3 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Christopher Lee is excellent as the titular golden-gun- armed man and the film does boast a high level of adventure. Unfortunately the marks in its plus column end there and it's a shame that Lee's brillance is wasted.

The film's story is one of the poorest and most boring conceived for a Bond film. The dialogue dances around plot details but doesn't fully explain just what the heck we're all concerned about until the final showdown - there is no doomsday clock counting down to armageddon leaving us all a little bored. While revealing the master plan at the end is standard fare for a Bond film, the nearly two hours spent on wide shots, jumping around every Asian city as Bond faces off against every Asian stereotype imaginable make viewers anxious for the film to end by the time we learn what the Macguffin (in this case a "Solex agitator") we've been chasing is all about.

One can't help but wonder if the film wasn't made simply to put Bond face-to-face with an assassin.

The film contains notable low points such as Bond doing Evil Kneivel car jumps accompanied by an inexplicable slide-whistle sound effect added in post-production, and a loud-mouthed American whose sole purpose is to be loud.

Bond's female counterpart this time out, Mary Goodnight, like so many female characters in this film, is disrespected on so many levels that you just feel sad for her by the end of the film. Her bumbling around the solar array flailing at buttons would be worthy of parody by Austin Powers. Women are often nothing but sex symbols in Bond's world, but this film seemed to cross a line.

Ultimately, the film is vaguely offensive on so many levels to so many groups (women, Asians, little people) and drags on through inexplicable moment after inexplicable moment so many times that you're better off watching the trailer than committing two painstakingly dull hours to the full film.
12 years 3 months ago
frankqb's avatar


"Megamind" is a great send-up of the Superman/Supervillan story (with Megamind not unlike Superman's foe, Braniac), and boasts some fantastic laughs, crisp editing, eye-popping animation and some real creativity in both plot and content. That being said, its ironic send up does get inadvertently caught in a few clichés en route to telling its story and it makes a few stumbles before it settles into its final plot. The hard rock music tracks spoiler particularly stand out in an otherwise fairly original creation. Tina Fey and Will Ferrel are particularly excellent in their roles with Fey initially providing a strong-female character before descending into predictable damsel-in-distress clichés. 3 stars out of 4.
12 years 4 months ago
frankqb's avatar


More of a visual poem in some ways than a storytelling film, "The Tree of Life" is a collection of scenes or memories from the life of a man centred on his childhood in Texas. It is not easy to watch, but easy to appreciate for the achievement in filmmaking that it is.

Malick's use of odd angles, inventive framing and long stretches of imaginative historical recollection (including the infamous "creation of the universe" and "dinosaur" sequences) make this a film to be appreciated intellectually by some and emotionally by others. (I fall into the former category.) The way the film tells the story and how it is framed with a larger story told from the future, the film almost seems to take place during the span of an elevator ride (almost like the supposedly un-filmable novel "The Mezzanine").

There is no real trick to this movie, no hidden message. It is what it is and it makes its message clear. It's message is presented strongly in the way strong messages are presented in most films - through repetition. That message is simple: Love. Life is short. We all live, we all die. Enjoy what you can while being a good person. Things will work out best that way. Despite its length and floating free-form narrative, who can argue with the film's message?

Deserving of its win at Cannes and Oscar Best Picture nomination, "The Tree of Life" is a film that will reveal different things to you in different phases of life. Enjoy it while you can.
12 years 4 months ago
frankqb's avatar


An understated, quiet, simplistic and surprising gem of a film. "Beginners" is a pleasant ride from start to finish - helped along by the warm way it tells its story. Christopher Plummer is fine, but didn't particularly stand out in a film of fine performances - though, that being said, his role could have been awful in the hands of a less skilled performer. A real treatise on finding love and keeping it - but with a mildly off-putting and depressing edge. Some of the scenes looked a little dark and the score seemed to be limited to one piece of piano music that, while pleasant, grew tiresome. Overall, a lovely film that just needs to smile a touch more.
12 years 4 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A romantic comedy (with the occasional foray into slapstick) filled to the brim with Woody Allen's characteristic neuroses - and Humphrey Bogart to boot. There is much to be admired in this treatise on relationships, self-worth and being yourself - above all, Allen's impeccable writing and the clear adoration it has for "Casablanca".

"Play it again, Sam" is not overly memorable, but a pleasant ride nonetheless.
12 years 4 months ago
frankqb's avatar


"Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" is a pristine piece of cinema - so much so that it carries a smooth glassy calmness throughout the film that adds to its dramatic tension. Upon finally seeing this film, one has to wonder what folly of mathematics befell the Academy Award best picture voting that this film didn't garner at least a nomination in that category.

The audience is not treated with kid gloves in this film and the narrative leaps leave you guessing all the more at just who might be behind it all. A bold and smart piece of storytelling that fits the theme.

Not a film you can talk through. This one requires 100% of your attention, but it's worth it.
12 years 4 months ago

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