greenhorg's comments - page 18

Comments 426 - 450 of 601

greenhorg's avatar


One joke is that the movie is 9 hours long, but I'd've rather watched that 9 hour spoon murder movie than 7 hour Satantango.
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


Die hipster robots.
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


Taking into consideration number of checks, these are the worse rated films on icheckmovies:

'Alone in the Dark' is the worse rated movie on this website. It has 598 checks, 0 favs and 139 dislikes (0.0%).

'Gigli' is the second worst. 502 checks, 0 favs and 85 dislikes (0.0%).

'From Justin to Kelly' 3rd worst. 184 checks, 0 favs, and 39 dislikes (0.0%).

'Ed' 4th worst. 167 checks, 0 favs, and 20 dislikes (0.0%).

'It's Pat' 5th worst. 142 checks, 0 favs, and 18 dislikes (0.0%).

'Babes Ahoy' 6th worse. 116 checks, 0 favs, and 15 dislikes (0.0%).

All it takes is one favorite to change the ratio, otherwise 'Son of the Mask' would take the crown: 815 checks, 1 fav, and 147 dislikes. (0.1%)

'House of the Dead' is also a strong contender: 552 checks, 1 fav, and 113 dislikes. (0.2%)
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


So colorful.
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


I didn't care about any of these boring characters or anything that happened in their lives.
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


Mediocre, overlong movie comedy, which would have worked better as a TV serial. The first half had some interesting ideas, and several laugh out loud shock gags, but it also fell apart into a fairly bad film in the second two hours.

It reminded me of Southland Tales, another sprawling, incoherent, high-concept comedy. I'm not sure why this movie is regarded so much better, but I'm tempted to think there is a kind of Japan fetishism in the mix.

12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


*Aargh* Unbearable.
12 years ago
greenhorg's avatar


"Mr. Tarkovsky, whose earlier films include ''Andrei Rublev,'' ''Solaris'' and ''Stalker,'' may well be a film poet, but he's a film poet with a tiny vocabulary. The same eventually boring images keep recurring in film after film - shots of damp landscapes, marshes, hills in fog, and abandoned buildings with roofs that leak."
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I haven't been this happy watching a movie in a long time.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


Really, 7.9 on IMDb? Only one other dislike here? Talk about overrated. This movie felt like an after school special. Humorless, cliche, and badly acted.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I've never seen a movie before where an obnoxious, free-spirited black guy gives an uptight white guy a few lessons in loosening up and enjoying life. Where do these French people come up with these crazy ideas?
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


"Playboy: The Best of Pamela Anderson"

lol. Just goes to show how wild and unstable the list was in the earlier years.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


Right after I finished watching this I got a phone call that said I'd die in seven days.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I saw a movie this weekend where young people are ritually and voyeuristically sacrificed in order to appease the powerful, all in a manner tightly orchestrated from a control room. It was called The Hunger Games.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I saw a movie this weekend where young people are ritually and voyeuristically sacrificed in order to appease the powerful, all in a manner tightly orchestrated from a control room. It was called The Cabin in the Woods.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar



This had an 8.7 last year on IMDb. Now its at 7.7 with 30,000 votes. I assure you that this is the result of bots or some other form of cheating. This is a very bad, very amateur film. If IMDb cleans out the bogus ratings this might be bottom 250.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


The Coen brothers meets third world awesomeness.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


A working torrent for all five hababam turds.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


The aggressive harassment of female coworkers is probably the central running joke of the movie. It wants me to laugh along but it just makes me wince.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I assume all the hyper-cinematic slo-mo was inspired by Lars von Trier's Antichrist (2009).
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I don't know what version you watched, but the 2011 Criterion release has subtitles. This movie would be all but incomprehensible without them.

I like it how the characters say 'thou' and 'thine', etc. Whatever low class dialect this is, it's ironically closer to Shakespeare than the respectable English of My Fair Lady.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


When I walked in on the beginning scene I thought it was the series finale of the Jersey Shore.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


House of the Dead? I will never complete this list.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


Arthouse, not horror at all.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


I don't understand why the imdb rating is so low. Rotten Tomatoes is 90%.
12 years 1 month ago

Showing items 426 – 450 of 601

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