frankqb's comments - page 19

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frankqb's avatar


Something about this movie just felt forced.
13 years 10 months ago
frankqb's avatar


I have to agree with Aneic. This film had some very interesting shots compositionally and the story was quite original for its day, but I found its length completely unjustifiable for its content. I was, quite frankly, a bit bored.

Not the best thing ever, but an achievement in film-making. Much like Citizen Kane is an important but not exactly riveting film, I feel Seven Samurai suffers the same fate.
13 years 10 months ago
frankqb's avatar


A surprisingly excellent action film. While it's all subjective, in my opinion it does surpass the first Terminator film.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


There's something about the earnestness of U23D that draws you in. The energy of the show is incredible. Not only is it an impressive experience, it's also a remarkable technical achievement. If it ever comes back to your theatre (and, assuming you have some interest in the music of U2), run to see it at once. It was so remarkable, I saw it twice.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Perhaps it's just that 1962 wasn't my era, or that I have little interest in cars, but I just can't relate to American Graffiti. The soundtrack is nice, the acting is largely fine, but nothing of the story nor adventures therein interest me. It's a shame because it probably IS a decent film, I just can't relate.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Easily the smartest Summer-blockbuster film ever made. I found myself consistently excited by the brilliance of the concepts played out in this film's world and, while can see that Ellen Page's character really lacked motivation of her own, I would still easily call this the best film I've seen this year to date.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


There is so much going on in this film with so many characters, it's impossible to describe -- or perhaps even understand. I can't say I recommend this film at all, but for those have the patience and interest in the music, I can understand why it's held in such a high esteem. That being said, I couldn't stand this film, but I'm not a fan of many of Altman's films. Good work, just not my cup of tea.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Tootsie, for the uninitiated, is as if Mrs. Doubtfire was aimed at an intelligent audience. Classic film.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar



Well, I was aware there was more than one language going on and was pretty sure Arabic was one of them. There were french subtitles whenever there was anything other than french being spoken, and the french in the subtitles I understood perfectly, so that was where I got most of my understanding of the movie. The rest I tried to infer and hear bits and pieces. I saw this with a native French speaker as well, and even they had a hard time with some of the french because there's so much slang in the film.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Love it! You guys are fantastic!
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


This Batman was greyer and grimmer than the 1989 debut of Keaton, and I felt Danny DeVito's blood-spewing Penguin portrayal ruined the film for me.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


The first time I saw this I quite liked it. It did NOT live up to any subsequent viewings. Today, I am afraid I have to admit I largely dislike this film.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Kind of funny, but I think any larger point escaped me. Certainly a one-note joke.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Le dîner de cons is a consistently funny bust-a-gut French comedy that surprised me with its level of wit, charm and ultimately warmth. Perhaps not the world's best comedy, but its manic and disastrous pace wil have you in stitches.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Perhaps not your favourite movie ever made, but still the most important one to cinema's history.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


I'm not sure I get the big deal over this film.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


When I first saw this movie, I couldn't stop thinking about it for almost two days following it. THAT is the mark of a truly great film. For those that like this sort of film, the word mesmerizing seems apt to describe its effect.
13 years 11 months ago
frankqb's avatar


This was an incredibly fascinating short. It toys with you in the opening shot as you expect yet another typical pixar short on a farm with animals. But the short surprises you almost immediately with its unusual concept. This is a funny, touching, and important short that goes to show Pixar has not run out of ideas nor heart.
13 years 12 months ago
frankqb's avatar


Compared to its 2003 re-make, this film is filled with warmth, charm, and real imagination. A delight to watch - even if that tunnel was really freakin' weird.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


While I (along with many other grown-men, apparently) found myself openly weeping at the emotional ending to this film, I nonetheless was slightly disappointed by the meandering nature of the middle third of the film. Too many characters come and go and, for 30 minutes or so, I found myself -- like the film's protagonists -- feeling a bit trapped in the film, waiting for some kind of meaningful escape.

Nonetheless, the film's final act almost makes up for its earlier unnecessary indulgences with the most emotional animated-finale I've ever seen.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


Something about this movie draws you in right away and, over the span of its hour and 45 minute runtime, Cooper's increasingly desperate situation holds you until the finale despite the lack of traditional western action.

A serious man's western about moral imperatives and a town's collective social conscious.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


Funny, delightful, a joy to watch, and above all: A rare movie that, despite its own repetitive nature, lives up to repeated viewings again and again and again and again -- a fitting quality for this fine film.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


There's an effortlessness in the chemistry between Peck and Hepburn that brings the day depicted in this film to life. Hepburn is remarkable in every way here. It's almost impossible to not enjoy yourself.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


A fantastic thriller that for me was the best film of 2007. Clooney is working in top-gear here playing the title role as subdued and near-guttural. In fact, the whole cast shines. Not a weak link to be found.
14 years ago
frankqb's avatar


A moving generational story told intricately and carefully. A small gem.
14 years ago

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