ynrozturk's comments - page 2

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ynrozturk's avatar


It was nice and dark, surprising for a Star Wars film. More like it was geared towards actual adults which is always a plus.



7 years 5 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Easily one of the best movies ever made.
7 years 11 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


If you had a gun to my head and I had to choose between watching this again or brain cancer I would seriously think about it.
8 years 2 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


There will be spoilers here so skip if you want.

The plot is a mess. The story feels disconnected and the general flow of the film isn't too great. Lex Luthor was miscast - he really is just an annoying little shit.

Why was Batman so stupid? Isn't Batman supposed to be an intelligent, logical detective? It just doesn't make any sense.

And I am sick of these Marvel/DC films where entire cities get leveled for only one fight. Surely, there can be dramatic action without having to lay down 100 trillion dollars plus in damages to the city. Yes, I get that it's a big fight between Doomsday and Superman, but come on.

8 years 2 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


8 years 2 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Really enjoyed this. Simple movie, yes. Story been done a hundred times, yes. But it was beautifully done, the cinematography was excellent, and all round great acting.
8 years 3 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Man, so the dude was how old and had ZERO friends that could help him out, even to crash at their place for a day or two?
8 years 3 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I'm quite torn about this movie. Even though I enjoyed it for the fight choreography, the story left a lot to be desired, and frankly left me disappointed. Both the story and characters are extremely inconsistent.


Overall it's worth seeing if you have like an hour and a half to spare, but don't expect much.
8 years 3 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Absolutely amazing cinematography and wonderful soundtrack. The film totally captivates you, and the fact that it was shot in all natural daylight - I tip my hat to you, sir.

Great performance as always by Leo and Hardy, though I doubt Leo will get an Oscar for this.
8 years 3 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I enjoyed the hell out of this. This is how you pass the torch to the next generation of Rocky fans. Loved it.
8 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Really let down by this. It's slow, the music is unnecessarily dramatic most of the time, and the story I felt was weak.

Spoilers : Man this movie has so many idiotic things in it. Like when Bond has that conversation with that guy and he shoots himself, doesn't Bond notice the huge camera with the bright red light recording the whole conversation? Because that's the first thing the other assassin notices the first thing he walks in the room. Very professional, Bond.

Didn't like the chase scenes, either. And also at the end, it's very convenient for the entire gas supply of the complex to be outside and to be taken out by a single bullet. For a multi million dollar facility, that shit should have been underground.

Bond chases the villain the entire film in order to kill him. When he has his chance, he doesn't feel like doing it. Okay.

These Bond girls are seriously annoying me now.

Seriously, this film had nothing to offer, and was an hour longer than it should have been.
8 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I wasn't expecting much from this movie, but man, it was so fun to watch! It's just a straight up action flick, doesn't pretend to be anything else, and it succeeds in entertaining. Well directed, and the fight sequences and music were great. Loved it.
8 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


It was better than I was expecting it to be, which is not saying much. Shot well, but the music was overbearing at times. Just too much. And the ending is pretty bad.
8 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I was expecting more to be honest.
8 years 5 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


This movie is beyond terrible. Seriously, to think that they actually spent money making this pile of turd is just insulting. This has nothing to do with the game series other than agent 47's suit.

Anyone else notice how he's eerily like the T-1000 from Terminator? I mean what gives. There's no stealth, style or sleek here, just a madman shooting everyone he can.

Hitman Rating : Bloodthirsty Lunatic
8 years 6 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Had some hilarious bits in it, but the first one is better. The Kardashian line killed me.
8 years 10 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I was really surprised by this. Great movie. Van Damme's post office scene was amazing.
8 years 11 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Best movie ever made.
9 years ago
ynrozturk's avatar


I really enjoyed this movie, it was crazy and the visuals were excellent.

The script though must have been only 5 pages long. Not much to it in terms of story. And also, where was Max? He was like a supporting character in the movie almost.

That said though, it's crazy good fun. I loved it.
9 years 1 month ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Your classic, Hollywood American propaganda.
9 years 1 month ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Absolutely loved it. The acting was spectacular.
9 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Good movie but for crying out loud... no drummer bleeds like that.
9 years 4 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Dear Mr. Jackson,

Thanks for showing Beorn for a whole 3 seconds. Really appreciated.
9 years 5 months ago
ynrozturk's avatar


What a terrible film. The CGI effects near the end were especially terrible. You'd think that they could do better with 80 million dollars, but I guess not.

The acting, screenplay and everything was just bad.
10 years ago
ynrozturk's avatar


Oh man the country club scene really was something else. So so good.
10 years 2 months ago

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