Dimitris Psachos Springer's comments - page 26

Comments 626 - 627 of 627

Dimitris Psachos Springer's avatar

Dimitris Psachos Springer

It's difficult but not impossible to find everything on the list, let's hope some expert "hackers" in the near or faraway future manage to upload torrent versions of the remaining past (and future) unavailable films from that wonderful cinematic continent.
13 years ago
Dimitris Psachos Springer's avatar

Dimitris Psachos Springer

"I think David Fincher, Christopher Nolan, and Sam Mendes all generally make very good films, and that it's a travesty that anyone would say that *any* film of theirs doesn't belong on a user-vote-based list is absolutely ridiculous."

Well done. That doesn't change the fact that whoever yells about Turkish and Russian mafias is a moronic philistine since it's obvious there are American mafias AS WELL!

No, I'm not joking. I don't give a rat's ass if I'm in any type of minority. I just love films from around the world (literally speaking) and I don't need to belong to any American or Russian mafias to do that.
13 years ago

Showing items 626 – 627 of 627

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