DJPowWow's comments - page 5

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DJPowWow's avatar


Yes, I admit it, Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" led me to this film. I'll also admit that I've only seen one other G.W. Pabst film before this one (1929's "Pandora's Box" with Louise Brooks). I really wasn't sure I'd get too excited about a mountain-climbing movie, but I was pretty blown away. It's even more impressive when one realizes the risk to life and limb, especially when a real-life avalanche nearly takes out both cast and crew near the end of the film. . . & they kept that footage in!
11 years 9 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


It's not for everybody, but it's definitely worth a look. I was actually quite moved by it, but I can easily see where it will turn other people off.
11 years 9 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Wow, is this one dark...
11 years 9 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


I'm not sure if there's a name for this trope of a hardened killer going out of his way to protect an innocent (usually a child, usually a girl), usually as a way of atoning for their past sins or finding redemption, etc., but I keep seeing it all over the place, from "Leon" (aka: "The Professional") to "Man on Fire" to the S. Korean film "The Man from Nowhere". This movie is nowhere near as good as any of those movies, yet it still remains very entertaining with its over-the-top action (the subway fight scene is a real high-light).
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


aka: "Yo-Yo Sexy Girl Cop"

A very disappointing soft-core parody of the very silly (yet far more entertaining) Japanese action flick "Yo-Yo Girl Cop" (aka: "Sukeban Deka: Kôdo nêmu = Asamiya Saki", or "Delinquent Girl Detective: Code Name = Saki Asamiya"). I really should stop watching this crap, but I think I'm a glutton for punishment (or at least really bad movies).
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


I never would have thought I would have enjoyed this movie, and was very skeptical when a co-worker extolled Battleship's virtues (especially since he's not the type to like big dumb action movies). I now have to eat my words, because I actually had a ball watching this big dumb action movie.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


You don't see very many horror-anthology movies anymore, so this was actually pretty refreshing. The 6 short films are very diverse in style and tone; my favorite, titled "The Accident", is more of a serious meditation on death and loss of innocence than a real "horror" story. It remains, however, very entertaining throughout.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Some pretty good laughs, but all together relies too much on crude, juvenile humor rather than incisive satire. Then again, this is a Will Ferrell movie... so I guess there's no real surprise there.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


It was fairly mediocre. Some funny bits, but for the most part it wasn't nearly as funny as it should have been.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


I actually kind of liked this one. Maybe not enough to include it in my "faves"... Rebecca De Mornay was pretty fascinating as the psychotic mother in the film, playing the role with such cold determination when lesser actresses probably would have made the role an over-the-top caricature.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Fairly mediocre cyberpunk anime, covering much the same territory as other, more well known movies/franchises of the genre ("Ghost in the Shell", "Blade Runner", etc.). However, it is part of the same universe as the "Bubble Gum Crisis" and "A.D. Police" anime series, so fans of those shows might find it more interesting.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


An interesting coming of age story that manages to level-off the Christian overtones of its plot with plenty of humor and without coming off preachy at all.
11 years 10 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


AKA: Thousand Miles Escort

Somewhere in this film is a plot about a righteous warrior trying to protect a child whom the bad guys want dead, and a group of rebels trying to uncover a traitorous plot to overthrow the emperor. Mostly, though, it's just an impenetrable mess, with lots of seemingly random events strung together to make a movie. The horribly acted, poorly translated English dubbing makes it even more hard to watch. Still, the fight scenes are fun, and the hero has a really cool (and improbable) weapon. If ever a wuxia film deserved a MST3k treatment, this is definitely it.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


A tale of dirty politicking and conscience in American politics that holds up even today. Henry Fonda is absolutely terrific in this, and Cliff Robertson's performance is strong... it's hard sometimes to imagine the same guy playing the corrupt politician in this Gore Vidal fable would also play Uncle Ben Parker in the Spider-Man films late in his career. Lee Tracy is also compelling as the ex-President who can't help stirring up trouble between the two Presidential candidates, and probably has some of the best lines in the film.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Fairly faithful adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel. About the only noticeable differences were the lack of some of the key narration by the lead characters, which gave the book an overall pulp-detective/film noir atmosphere. They also toned-down the drinking and drug content, but didn't seem to shy away from some of the sexual content (after all, it wouldn't be a Frank Miller story without gratuitous use of hookers and/or strippers).
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Fun all around, with some great fights and quite colorful characters. Of course, most people's reason to watch this is for Dragon Lee, the lead of the movie, who made his career imitating Bruce Lee. Personally, I didn't think Dragon Lee resembled Bruce Lee all that much, but he did yell and scream a lot like him in all of his fight scenes. What's more interesting is the female lead, a young Qiu Yuen, who is perhaps better known today for her role as the shrill landlady (and secret Kung Fu master) in 2004's "Kung Fu Hustle".
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


aka: Lightning Kung Fu
aka: Killer Constable

A surprisingly bloody wuxia/sword-epic film, with quite a lot of dismemberment... always lots of fun in these types of movies. It's interesting that the "protagonist" of the film starts off being a cold-hearted and remorseless character (though, of course, he receives a fair amount of character development). The only truly bad part was one lengthy fight scene filmed in almost pitch-dark! Zero lighting, all you see is the occasional flash of a sword, which is cool, but not in a fight scene that lasts more than 5 minutes! I don't know if better, clearer prints exist, but it got pretty old pretty fast. The rest of the film, however, remained silly yet entertaining.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Witty, stylish, and heartwarming. The aesthetics and deadpan delivery keep the storytelling simple, with an even simpler message that people should help each other more often.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


aka: "The Devil's Feast"

Another fairly dull release from Switchblade Pictures.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


The DVD cover was pretty misleading, making it seem like it would be a vampire movie. In fact it was a fairly long and detailed historical epic about the actual Countess Erzsébeth Báthory, depicting her legendary blood-thirsty reputation as the result of political mud-slinging and local superstition.

It was interesting overall, but a bit too long.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Made me hungry the entire time...
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


A fairly decent version of "Treasure Island". Mind you, this is coming from a guy who never read the book, so I'm only really comparing it to the 1950 Disney version and "Muppet Treasure Island". Izzard was pretty great, a lot more of a calm, scheming version of Long John Silver. Elijah Wood, on the other-hand, felt like he was doing a Gollum impersonation.
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


Not a terrific movie, the plot and dialogue are fairly dull and the acting pretty atrocious, but the action choreography was much better than I expected from a small-budget indie film. One scene in particular was very reminiscent of the long, one-take hallway fight scene in "Oldboy".
11 years 11 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


From the IMDb page: "This documentary is featured on the Collector's Edition DVD for Somewhere in Time."

At one point, during the interview with Christopher Reeve, he described having an out-of-body experience a couple months after his accident that left him paralyzed. He commented on how similar it was to the one filmed in Somewhere in Time, and I got goosebumps.
11 years 12 months ago
DJPowWow's avatar


"Watch out for snakes!"
12 years ago

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