Jumping Elephant's comments - page 8

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Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Pretty good for the found footage genre. I neither like nor dislike the genre itself... although I am a critic who finds the concept interesting enough to stay afloat, but mired in a web of its own making. Still, this film stands out.

12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

As with all "horror" movies, the trope of extremely annoying characters doing hyper-unrealistic things occurs in this film. But in this film it finds an exception; it is the very backbone of everything which happens throughout. To boot, it seems as if the filmmakers could not decide on how to frame each scene, and unfortunately most of the time they chose extreme closeups which adds to an already claustrophobic feel (in a bad way). All in all, terrible film with some slightly interesting concepts.

12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

This might seem slightly off-topic, but...

one thing I really like about a similar media-tracking site, rateyourmusic, is their "RYMzilla" feature which allows for users to be directly involved with the technical improvements of the site. Food for thought anyway.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I'm getting sick of these "we're all broken" movies. Still, this was average. It's difficult for Spacey not to deliver.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Of course, the western genre is the perfect place for any American remake of a samurai film, and this goes to prove it. But while this had nothing on its predecessor (which was almost an hour and a half longer and far more entertaining), "Seven" did have its moments; The photography and craftsmanship were top notch. The acting though seemed a little stiff with certain characters (while others like Brynner and Wallach were great). Overall, I give the film one star for each star. 7/10
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

No improvement with the screenplay from the original, but it's still better than its predecessor... mostly because of technological improvements. Also, I have to weigh in on the ending. I thought it was definitely silly, but not necessarily bad. Kind of amusing actually.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

An unique and thrilling film. I don't usually go for the shaky-cam thing, but this was well-done... although I have some doubts about the "message" and the ending, although Gibson's racism doesn't play a conscious role in my doubts.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

A psychological lesson in incest, betrayal, and self-fulfilling prophecies.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

How do you rate something like this? In some ways it reminded me of 'The Game' in that it was very over-the-top / meta. Of course, that's on purpose. This might also be deliberate, but I found it too "overkill" as well.

Nonetheless, a very entertaining movie. My kind of popcorn film... even if I do find Joss Whedon to be overbloated by his fan base.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Brantastic, I agree, although I admit I never saw Cameron's version. By the way y'all: spoiler.

All joking aside, this was a masterful tour de force.
12 years 1 month ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Rather average, but Garbo is a shining star as always.
12 years 2 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

apparently my review didn't show up, so I will just say that this film is utter garbage and you shouldn't see it.
12 years 2 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

how did this make it onto the all-time worldwide box office list when it's considered one of the biggest (if not the biggest) box-office flops in the history of film?
12 years 2 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Given the absurdity and the poster's name, I would assume his post was a joke.
12 years 2 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Well now that she's dead, there's twice as much fun! 8====D~
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

A viscerally aesthetic experience. The only reason why I give this a 7 instead of an 8 is because I believe the music could have been better.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I like the selection, but are you finished making the list? It looks like they're are 350 missing movies. I wonder too if the site only included a portion as a way to promote buying the book?
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I admire what this tried to do, and the artistry involved, but I just couldn't get into it at all.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Better than I expected, although I still have problems with it... for instance the terrible title and Peter Brand (Jonah Hill) saying that ball-players are paid so many millions "because they're worth it". Typical thinking for someone obsessed with the game. Overall 6/10.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

One of the worst pieces of shit ever.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

This movie is terrible. 1/10.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Kirk Douglas is infallible.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Not really funny or entertaining. The best thing about it is the piano scene, but other than that it's not that good.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I think "Caeser Must Die" just won a Golden Bear...
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Pretentious, garbled crap.
12 years 3 months ago

Showing items 176 – 200 of 607

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