DisneyStitch's comments - page 9

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DisneyStitch's avatar


Very entertaining movie, I don't think a pairing of Flynn and De Havilland could ever stray into bad territory really. Rounded out with a great cast like Greenstreet and Hattie McDaniel it's definitely worth a watch.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Growing up watching the TV show religiously I constantly felt like these actors on the screen were impersonating some of my favorite characters in a weird way (with the exception of Radar of course.) It's a strange comedy in that I didn't feel it strayed into "dark comedy" nor did it have the wacky kind of laughs that the show could produce. It comes off as more a chronicle of a bunch of characters thrown into a situation and... well, whatever happens will happen, there's not a whole lot of emotional weight to anything. On a bright note it did probably pave the way for the TV show so that's a positive.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


My first silent movie and to be honest I felt pretty confident that I could remain heavily invested throughout the whole 90 minutes, but didn't quite get there unfortunately. I found myself thinking about all the ways they could have made it better which isn't helpful at all really, you can't really judge a 100 year old film like that. Orlock is obviously the main highlight, and a few choice scenes like him climbing the stairs are worthy cinematic moments even a century later. Important to watch for the historicity but a bit hard to slog through.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Wow, such a goofy movie. Started off incredibly promising but devolved rapidly from there. Kristen Wiig is barely tolerable and is more than a bit miscast here. spoiler The overall plot is not the greatest, and so at 151 minutes it feels crushingly long and tedious. You get the feeling that DC can really struggle with making a movie with an average tone as opposed to their usual dark and moody stuff. There's a ton of DC's classic "don't look over there or think about the plot that much" which is just sloppy script writing.

As to the setting, I think it likes to think of itself as a love letter to the 80's but it is far, far from that. More like an off-key mockery of the decade to be honest.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


As soon as the color comes up and the screen widens out the effect is rather surreal. You have to remind yourself that these aren't actors in the slightest bit, but real people. In a lot of ways it highlights the danger and ultimately the humanity of those involved better than any other WW1 documentary I think.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


If Franka Potente wasn't in good shape before this movie then I guarantee you she certainly was after filming had wrapped up. It's an interesting watch and a good introduction movie if foreign films are something you've always wanted to give a try. It's well acted by Potente and very fast moving, a picture perfect example that a shoestring budget does not automatically inhibit critical acclaim. Oh, and the red hair is pretty hot.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Seriously impressive how well the tone and the worldbuilding is set up in this one. About the only thing I know about Dune is that it has been sitting on my bookshelf for a long time and totally unread. That being said, knowledge of the book is not a requirement in order to enjoy it to the fullest. The scope is large, and the visuals are off the charts. For not knowing the world I found it very easy to drop into and would adore seeing more. I didn't notice the long runtime in the slightest bit. And to those who dislike the "chosen one" direction that the plot takes, I think we have to remember that this is a novel from 1965. We're a long time before Star Wars or a lot of famous Sci-Fi that features a singular character being the savior of the world/universe/or whatever. Something to keep in mind. Eagerly awaiting the next installment.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Was totally unprepared for how cheesy it was. Somewhere in there is a great movie but it's totally covered up by quite horrid dialog and incredibly awkward flirting between Cruise and McGillis. About the only thing going for it are the excellent aerial shots. Touted as a classic, more of a "cult classic" for me.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Blade Runner, while not only being one of the best Sci-Fi films also has one of the most unique tones and feel that couple with the visuals onscreen. Going into it I was most curious if it would be able to recapture that vibe and in a lot of ways it was actually successful. BR has always been a kind of ethereal and cerebral kind of Sci-Fi and director Denis Villeneuve didn't neglect that. Gosling fits the bill and pulls off the classic Replicant thousand-yard stare pretty well. Harrison Ford has a spoiler, but I kind of liked that because it allowed them to tell Joe's story more effectively and it was less encumbered. A solid sequel to a great movie.

One thing that really confuses me now though. After watching the original I was under the impression that Replicants were sophisticated androids as in the opening crawl of the movie it clearly establishes that they are the next stage in "advanced robot evolution." After watching this one I guess they aren't robots anymore but just genetically manufactured humans? It seems really unclear now.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


A fantastic creature feature that takes itself with the perfect amount of seriousness and backed by a wonderful cast. The special effects are on point for the fifties and incredibly well done. It has aged seriously well.

"When Man entered the atomic age, he opened a door into a new world. What we'll eventually find in that new world, nobody can predict."

Lovely quote and how cool is it that this film was released mere months before the premiere of everyone's favorite radioactive Kaiju, the one and only Godzilla.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


For weeks after watching this every time I saw a single hair resting on a counter top, I thought of this movie. In many ways this film is the proving ground that excellent Sci-fi need not have tons of explosions or a pace that never takes a breath in order to be great. The film uses DNA science gone amok to explore all kinds of themes of self-worth, individual privacy and rights, and not letting your genes act as a kind of excuse. Fantastic stuff. Ethan Hawke and Jude Law also have downright incredible chemistry here. Modern Noir is not something you come across frequently so it always deserves a look.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Kurosawa has never disappointed me. A true Samurai epic from the 80's and in some ways a tribute to everything that he was as a director and teller of stories. Large in scope, incredible in emotional weight and substance.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's bursting at the seams with star power, but you'd think that a movie with Pacino and De Niro squaring up against each other would be more entertaining than this. At nearly 3 hours long it touts itself like an epic crime drama but there isn't enough to keep interest for its bloated runtime. Pacino's acting is... well, over the top in a lot of ways and involved him shouting out lines that don't match his fiery delivery. De Niro takes a more subdued approach but rarely delves into territory that showcases his immense talent. The restaurant scene is without doubt the best of the bunch, along with one of the most bananas city gunfights in cinema. People working and living around the filming location must have thought that WW3 had broken out.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


90's cyberpunk with a forgettable plot and a quirky performance by Reeves. In '95 the internet was still something almost mystical and so the plot takes advantage of that with its virtual reality scenes and otherworldly visuals. Could've explored its own concepts a lot better and in more detail.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It doesn't quite stand on its own two legs because in a rather obvious way it's trying to fill a gap in the same way that Black Panther did. I was honestly expecting a lot more of Asian culture being touched on if I'm honest. A lot of the hallmarks of ancestry, hard work, and parental control are there but not in a super strong way that I thought the movie would certainly draw from. We got a lot more typical Marvel action than was probably called for. Loved the homages to Kung-Fu movies and fight choreography but then the big 'ol CGI stuff rolls in and that was the end of that.

2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I mean compared to the first one it's practically DC's magnum opus. Unlike the original, this one knows why the balance between seriousness and lunacy is so important when even attempting a film like this. It touts itself as a popcorn movie and so you can just sit back and go wherever the maniacal current takes you. If you take a far enough step backward, you kind of realize that comic book movies in general are a zany concept from the get go, James Gunn knew this and just capitalized wholeheartedly.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It certainly rewards you for being a faithful watcher of all the Bond films. Most of the homages are pretty blatant but others are subtle and like I said, rewarding when you notice them. Could've used a lot more spoiler The villain seems rather an ugly composite of many bond villains thrown into a blender and really advertises the fact that this is a long-running series with little territory left to explore in that category. Action is good, and the runtime is a bit longer than it needs to be. It seems that Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig now share the fact that their best Bond film was the first one they starred in.

2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's not bad. You have to be a decent Halo fan in order to get something out of it though, can't imagine someone liking it if you aren't familiar with the games. Cool costumes and very interesting scenery.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Granted, the first movie was a bit off the wall even for a superhero flick but this one just recklessly abandons any semblance of plot. The whole Venom voiceover thing was somewhat tolerable the first time around but now it seems like a stale joke stuck on repeat. Unbelievably messy, Sony should be embarrassed. It's really an insult to the comic character and the acting abilities of both Hardy and Harrelson.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Stylish and solid, a true popcorn action movie that doesn't disappoint. The action is great stuff and the worldbuilding is also on point. Urban dons the helmet and captures the character quite well, plus the costumes are totally badass, you just love hearing that leather rippling when the characters move. The slow-motion photography is quite spectacular and is really a metaphor that goes hand in hand with the film's themes. In Dredd's world, violence is commonplace and has reached a level of saturation where it becomes as natural as breathing. It has evolved into art, something almost beautiful.
2 years 2 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


It's decent, and Peck does a good job at his job of portraying mad Captain Ahab. Still, Peck is and will always be the suave, gentleman actor to me so it was hard to take him totally seriously in the role.
2 years 3 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


A tight star vehicle for all involved and a very entertaining boxing flick. Morris' easy-going character is hard not to root for, and plenty of good gangster action rounds out the film.
2 years 3 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


I didn't find it particularly funny until the second act which is when it picked up considerably for me. All the characters are well played. Certainly captures the spirit of a stage play with the manic energy and preposterous situations. Very enjoyable.
2 years 3 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Predictable, but an entertaining movie with Bogart playing a good gangster and Raft the down on his luck convict trying to find his way in life. Holden brings his trademark intensity.
2 years 3 months ago
DisneyStitch's avatar


Ahead of its time, a bit shocking at how incredibly dark it is for a movie barely released after WW2. Tierney plays a sadistically self-absorbed woman and puts on a show that is both terrifying and shiver-inducing. With eyes as cold as a snake's, you never fail to see the mania there as she observes and plots. Phenomenal acting. Courtroom scene should have been longer and would have given Price a better role. I think simply another 15 minutes added to the runtime would have probably worked fine. It's considered a classic already but with a more cohesive ending it would have been catapulted into mainstream movie knowledge.
2 years 4 months ago

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