Jumping Elephant's comments - page 9

Comments 201 - 225 of 607

Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Despite more than a few minor flaws, this is one of the most successful thrillers I've seen in a very long time.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I agree about Irene Dunn. I also caught more than one "literal tip of the hat to Buster Keaton". Also also, the scene where Joyce Compton (Dixie Bell) is singing her song, that part seemed awfully similar to Marilyn Monroe's later famous subway scene in The Seven Year Itch.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

The Artist won for 2012.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I'm curious as to the full reason why they didn't give out the Golden Lion in earlier years.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Speaking of Cars, the only ones I have yet to see are Cars and Cars 2.
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Surely this film must almost be in public domain if it isn't already?
12 years 3 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

That's not the whole thing
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Despite some very beautiful shots (more towards the end), I found it to be an average film.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

For me, The Beyond fits the loose critera; I thought it was a pretty bad movie.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

It's a contender for the worst film I've ever seen.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

as many have said, the ending is the best element of the film. sadly, everything leading up to it is rather poor.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Courtesy of the Lithuanian mafia? I can't comprehend how 250+ people gave this a perfect 10.0
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

too bad it isn't.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Loved the cat, did not watch it while smoking pot (although I wondered what one would think if they did).

I have to say this is the weirdest film I've seen since Big Trouble in Little China.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I disagree with the suggestions to add character searches or book tabs. It's fine the way it is, let's not try to make the site too much like IMDb or something. I'm also hesitant about adding new official lists right away, but that would take too much energy to explain.

Finally, I agree about the prices for premium, and I also bemoan not having a "lifetime premium" option for a sense of finality. If the prices were a lot cheaper I would probably consider signing up.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

I agree that the lists which currently exist should NOT be made private, unless the publisher decides to make it that way.

My suggestion is this: for future lists, prompt the user to pick one or the other. Something like "Is this a public list or a private list?" with a check box next to each. The idea is that they have to pick one and most people would probably pick private unless they want everyone to see it. Maybe a brief description of guidelines for each can be given.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

unfortunately I don't think that link contains subtitles
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

My review:

The plot at times could use some momentum. It is one which may or may not have been fiercely original in 1948. nevertheless, there are some very beautiful shots trapped within the frames. These are echoed by the lyrics repeated throughout the film (penned by Bernard Herrmann). Then there is the theme of faith and fidelity. do soulmates exist? Should we have faith that we will find them and love them? From world's end to world's end, is there only one person for each one of us?Tthe film's answers to these questions lie within the works of Soren Kierkegaard. For reasons esoteric, Kierkegaard broke off his engagement to his beloved Regina. This broke both of their hearts and she eventually remarried. Kierkegaard on the other hand, lived a hermetic life of sorts, yet he remained obsessed with Regina. Kierkegaard believed that the purest way to live was "by faith alone". Living by faith, he surmised, is more pure even than rigid adherance to the ways of ethics and art (interestingly Joseph Cotten plays a uniquely inspired artist). And so one must have faith. Have faith that you and your partner will be together, forever, even if it is literally impossible; that is one of the purest ways to live. This film may not be the best implementation of that message, but it does deliver it in a memorable fashion. The last ten minutes especially have a colorful surprise.
12 years 4 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Truly a modern masterpiece. Everything about the film is brilliant. My only real complaint is that sometimes the actors who have bit parts or are extras seem a little contrived with cliched one-liners even up until the end. Other than that, I loved every minute of it.
12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

As a full film this isn't on any official lists... and yet more people have "checked" this film than there are votes for it on IMDb.
12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

sweet, only three more to go.
12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Don't bash on the film too much. It's a fun, and in many ways lighthearted movie. Yes, it's an average blockbuster, but that's too be expected. Very enjoyable even if slightly long, don't letter the negativity you may have heard distract you if you really want to see it.
12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

Maybe a good line or two, and some beautiful shots, but overall, this was kind of a piece of shit.
12 years 5 months ago
Jumping Elephant's avatar

Jumping Elephant

It's funny that this film is on Rosenbaum's list considering it appears to have been produced by the AFI... and considering how much Rosenbaum hates the AFI. I think I remember him saying once how the only good thing AFI did was to help make Eraserhead possible... well, I suppose he's contradicted himself then. But as Whitman says, [Rosenbaum] is large and contains multitudes.
12 years 5 months ago

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