Adenoid Hynkel's comments

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Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

One of the only films currently banned in Australia
6 years ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

Fairly generic and clichéd sports story but its mostly executed fairly well. The wrestling sequences and Indian culture make it worth a watch, however it is completely undeserving of being the top rated sports movie on imdb. Definitely an example of Indian bias on the site
6 years 1 month ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

Incredibly entertaining, especially if you are a fan of The Room. The loving parody of the best/worst film is made better by the all-star cast of comedians that pop up throughout it. I saw it at a theatre that has been playing the room every month for years now, so it may be a little skewed, but the crowd was in hysterics for the entire movie.
6 years 6 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

I found this to be an incredibly refreshing film compared to many modern crime thrillers. Most notably, the handling of the end reveal seemed truly unique to this genre. The closest comparison I can think of is from Se7en, spoiler Similarly, this film decided to keep us guessing up until spoiler This let the story unfold into more of a tragedy than the standard mystery or thriller you might expect it to be.
6 years 7 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

I much prefer Jurassic Bark
6 years 9 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel
6 years 9 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

This film is interesting to consider against the rise of "fake news"
7 years ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

Not quite the Indian Die Hard it tries to be, but enjoyable by bollywood standards. They seem to only have one sound effect for punches and another for slaps in the film which becomes quite obnoxious as they are played too loud throughout several fight scenes.
7 years ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

A predictable Disney film packed with cliches and forgettable songs. The ocean's presence as a safety net in the film seemed to take away a lot of the tension of any given scene; the protagonists never seemed to be in genuine danger. Attempts at pop culture and self-aware humour were largely unfunny and take you out of the film, especially that tweeting joke. The biggest redeemer was the animation style. The vibrant colours and attention to detail of the landscape were quite nice to see.
7 years 3 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel
7 years 4 months ago
Adenoid Hynkel's avatar

Adenoid Hynkel

The only reason Bill Murray agreed to do this film was because he mistook the film's writer, Joel Cohen, as one of the Coen brothers, and signed on without reading it. By the time he discovered his mistake, it was too late to pull out.
7 years 10 months ago
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