CHE6yp's comments

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CHE6yp's avatar


Read the book instead.

Don't suffer through this just because it's supposed to be great, or because it's Tarkovsky. Some imagery is good, and personally, I like the soviet sci-fi atmosphere, but it's not worth it. The pacing is terrible, and a lot of directorial and editing choices are questionable at best.

If you weren't going to watch this movie to flex on your movie buff pals that you are familiar with Tarkovsky's work, if you wanted to experience a true sci-fi masterpiece - read the book instead. Arguably, the book is also slow sometimes, but the story is presented in a much better way overall.
4 years 1 month ago
CHE6yp's avatar


I am amazed by the negative comments here. I guess the humor just doesn't translate. Maybe some things in this movie are only funny, if you at least somewhat know how life was back in USSR. I find this movie great, as do most russian speakers. A classic.
5 years 3 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


Unexpetedly good.
10 years 3 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


Insanely overrated.
Plot doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Animation is cool though, and there is a boobs shot. Still not worth watching.
10 years 4 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


Surprisingly good, and its not just another regular Jackie's role here.
10 years 5 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


I thougt it was a zombie movie, started watching, and then that girl was spoiler. Had a weirdest boner, nice movie over all
10 years 7 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


Dont get why there is so many favs. Loved the book, i know it was probably hard to make a movie out of that one, but its like they took away all the best things that were written, all those details... And all we got was just a retelling of facts that happend (and they ALSO were changed).
Didn't really enjoyed it.
10 years 9 months ago
CHE6yp's avatar


Extreemly overrated and empty movie, i dont see any conflict there.
11 years 2 months ago
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