edo18's comments

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edo18's avatar


Perhaps I have seen to many movies of this type, but I found the twist to be quite evident until spoiler. I was sent off-track by this, and the final twist then felt unfair and cheated.
3 years 8 months ago
edo18's avatar


I absolutely loved the build-up, but I was disappointed by the ending. So close to being a flawless movie...
3 years 8 months ago
edo18's avatar


Pay attention: this documentary contains a lot of misinformation. Not everything is wrong, but the data is altered and/or cherry-picked. Please do some fact checking on the internet after watching it and do not just absorb the information passively.

A couple of red flags I noticed while watching it:
1) The director makes it sound as he changed his mind while filming this documentary, and he shows his view only in the second half of the movie. In reality, his opinion is the starting idea behind the documentary and did not change at all.
2) Most of the people interviewed are strong supporters of the director's point of view (in particular in the last part of the documentary). The few people with an opposite point of view were not clearly informed on the topic of the interviews and the power of editing did the rest.

I must say, there are some interesting ideas in this documentary and it is well filmed, but unfortunately it is just mere propaganda.
3 years 8 months ago
edo18's avatar


How is it possible that this is not in the Spaghetti Western list??
3 years 8 months ago
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