fjcaetano's comments

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fjcaetano's avatar


This movie should have ended with spoiler. Black screen, credits roll.
9 years 3 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


This is the first ever filmed football match
9 years 4 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Entertaining, but terrible acting and they completely changed the story. The book is an epic classic, but the story is completely different.
10 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar


This is awfully underrated!
11 years 2 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


I don't know why, but I love this movie...
11 years 6 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


What the fuck did I just saw? Tension? Good acting? Are you kidding me? It was a conjunction of nonsense.
12 years 3 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Not only the best snowboard film I've ever seen, but one of the best MOVIES I've ever seen! Everything is flawless! From the stunning cinematography to the fittest soundtrack. Absolutely amazing!

My only regard is that I didn't saw it in 3d. If had, I believe I'd had an eyegasm!
12 years 6 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


The story had potential but the script sucks. Way too obvious and lots of holes.
12 years 8 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Pure poetry. A true masterpiece of cinematography. It's beautiful how you can see mixed in a same scene originality at it's rawest form and the most devoted aspects of noir and decó that transports you to the underworld of a corrupt city where walk by con men, prostitutes, dirty cops, hitmen, vigilantes...

With a sharp cast as few times seen, Sin City was divided in three segments, The Hard Goobye, The Big Fat Kill and The Yellow Bastard, each one a volume of the "comic". I quote the comic because, actually, there are few humoristic parts. These are very well build by Benicio del Toro and his Jackie-boy in the second part, The Big Fat Kill.

Sin City's only flaw is this exact second part. It's lack of control and the length of this segment dragged the film down. If direction trio decided to shorten it and extend the third part (The Yellow Bastard), perhaps we would had perfection.

Getting back in the cast subject, Mikey Rourke is fantastic. That first segment (The Hard Goodbye) is by far the best by two key elements: the first one is this fantastic world in which we are being introduced. And the fantastic dialogs Mikey's character has to itself. His self knowledge, the political implication of his acts, everything was meticulously built.

Rodriguez, Tarantino and Frank Miller did an excelent job adapting Sin City to the theaters. In fact, it is actually a Sin calling this an adaptation. This is the comics. This is the story.

12 years 8 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Seriously, this is one of the worst script I've ever seen. The guy bumps his head in the glass of a car window and forgets how to fight? Seriously? And then he bumps it again and remeber? Oh, come on! Please, Hollywood, that's just ridiculous, even for you.

Close to the end, when the truth is revealed, it isn't shocking, it isn't great, and it's obvious and you'll probably realize it in the first 15 minutes. Not something that you might think "oh, I would never think of that".

Moving on, those were the worst car chasing scenes I've ever put my eyes on. Steve McQueen would be ashamed! The spinnings never end, Berlim has streets with miles and miles of pilars, and what the hell was that cable car crash? I am seriously speechless, and not in the good way.

I like Liam Neeson and he was great in Taken, which as a good movie, but lets not exagerate, one action movie with an elder guy is nice, but I hope they don't try to turn him in the next Bourne. What to say about January Jones? Yes, she is gorgeous, but, please woman, go take some acting classes! It seems that she only has one expression. I wouldn't be able to differ if she has diarrhea or a delightful laughter. I'm serious! I couldn't believe that was her "suprised" face!

It would be easy to compare this to other action thrillers and Unknown would lose easily, so I won't do it. Therefore, this is not a movie I recommend, but if you want to see it anyway I must warn you that I've just wasted two hours of my life.

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


First, I'd like to say that I don't know the original story from the comics. So, as a lay in this terms, all I can say is that I'm absolutely impressed. What most amazed me was how the story fitted perfectly in our history's context. It's just perfect.

As if the story wasn't enough, James McAvoy is a stunning Charles Xavier. Watching him in the night life is like knowing your father before he met your mother. In the other end we have Micheal Fassbender also in a better Magneto than I could ever imagine. Their acting allowed us to connect to both and, I have to admit, to actually like Erik Lehnsherr. And in the farthest end we have Mr. Kevin Bacon in a ridiculously amazing enemy. He is as Sebastian Shaw what seems to be missing in these last James Bond movies. A ludicrous yet feared super vilain, with the most luxurious henchmen, a detailed super-evil plan and a tuned submarine.

As I said, the story aligns perfectly with the world's history, but that's not all. Somehow, Matthew Vaughn was able to transport to outside the screen the debate about acceptance. It's not only a mere excuse to a superhero movie, but something much deeper. It is also impressive to see the good guy and the bad guy arguing their antagonic points of view with fully and well constructed bases. Afterall, who wouldn't be outraged by those nazis that killed your mother?

With everything I could come up now said - I didn't wanted to stop to think afraid of losing all those thoughts - allied with some of the most impressive special effects I ever saw, X-Men - First Class is in my top 3 superhero movies. Below The Dark Knight and above Kick-Ass.

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


What an outstanding movie. Not something you see everyday. I don't want to get too deep in it, but I loved how it's starts as a drama, then goes to horror, then romance and so on. It's many movies inside one and built perfectly to fit in the context. The whole story was very well created. I'd like to explain, but I would be giving details and I don't want to ruin it for future watchers.

But not everything are roses. It is very slow sometimes and the third act is too long. Everything is very well explained in the beginning when you are being introduced to the story, but in the end it gets too slow.

Although I don't understand a word of korean, I loved the acting. Kang-ho and Ok-bin worked really well together and Ha-kyun came to give that surreal/psychotic asian stereotype.

Honestly, I don't understand how it wasn't nominated for the Academy Award. It's definitely in my top 5 vampire movies.

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar



It's an average exorcism story but very well played. The excellent cast helps it, although the worst among them is Colin O'Donoghue in the main character. Anthony Hopkins is stunning and by far the best in the movie.

There are some cliché'd artefacts like the doubtful priest, his troubled mentor, family problems and so on. There are some parts where the terror was supposed to be in it's appex but it just look stupid. In the other hand, there are some scenes that left me open-mouthed for their simplicity and geniality. How much might cost a call from hell?

Some things that I discovered after watching it and that amused me very much was that the producers based their rituals and "encounters" with entities in real reports. Like the misterious hooves in 1855 in Devon, England.

Resuming, it's average but works good with a nice cast.

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar



What can you want in an action movies? From stupidly hot girls with heavy weapons and swords, to giant samurais with machine guns, zombie steampunk nazis and alien robots in superslow and action scenes that will get you out of your chair. That's all in there with a killer soundtrack that made the hair in the back of my neck shiver. It's definitely in the top 5 movies with best visual I've ever seen.

But it's not only visuals. Zack Snyder just proved to be a genius of the new school. In his first original movie, he nailed it. If not perfectly, with few parts that could be better worked. After showing that he knows how to adapt a story in 300 and Watchmen, here, in Sucker Punch, he shows that he can also build one from nothing.

The story is amazingly original and very well told. If you didn't followed, I'm sorry, but that's your problem. You were not good enough for it. But I have to admit I was a little disappointed with the final scenes. The movie tries to self explain and give itself a bigger meaning when it wasn't necessary. It wasn't the perfect ending to the perfect action movie.

With all that in mind, I can say it's my bet for the cinematography, soundtrack and special effects for the 2012 Academy Awards. Right now, more then ever, I can say that I am a Zack Snyder fan. All that I can do now is wait for Superman =D!

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


The movie is great. It's a big tribute to everything in Sci-Fi. It's really fun to catch the hidden easter eggs from other movies.

Basically, it's E.T. 2.0 in a comedy form. Incredibly hilarious and with lots and lots of curses. It's actually a cursing lesson. I'm a fan of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost so I'm a little suspicious to say, but I really enjoyed and, by the way, now I can finally say that I watched a funny movie with Seth Rogen. Well, it's not exactly WITH him, but he's a big part of it. Maybe that's how he didn't ruined it.

So if you like comedys and Sci-Fi, you must watch this.

["Get your goddamn hands off my motherfuckin' junk!"]

12 years 10 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


I was a bit disappointed for the lack of originality this time. While the first is hilarious, unpredictable and completely different from everything I've seen, this is just funny.

The plot is exactly the same, the acting is forced and some scenes that, I guess, were supposed to be funny outraged me for the prejudice.

Of course there are a lot of very funny jokes but you can easily tell what's comming up next, but even though, the end was unexpected and I was happily surprised.

12 years 11 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


RIP Jack Kevorkian, 83 ( 06/03/2011 )
12 years 11 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


What can I say? It's Mystic River, directed by Clint Eastwood, with Sean Penn, Kevin Bacon, Laurence Fishburne and Tim Robbins. But lets not judge by that.

It's simply perfect. The characters are exactly alike. I mean, you can't distinguish actor from character and I honestly couldn't think of the characters being different. Everyone, I really mean everyone, is just perfect. Sean Penn screaming in the woods scene gave me chills.

The movie has the exact same rythm as the book and it's flawless. I'm seriously speechless right now. The cinematography were stunning, the supporting actors were overwhelming and the direction couldn't be better. It's a true example of how an adaptation should be made. Bravo!

I'm not only standing in my feet applauding, I'm also writing this standing up. A masterpiece worthy of the Oscar.

12 years 11 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


If you haven't seen it yet, stop to do it with high expectations. You'll leave feeling like shit and thinking how awesome it was. People may say that movies aren't just about entertainement, but I disagree. That's all it is about. Afterall, if a movie doesn't entertain you, what's the point?

Limitless does it with maestry. One of those movies that you watch forgeting you are seeing a movie. Of course, sometimes you are remembered of it by the tiny holes in the script, but that's nothing relevant and analysing the whole thing, doesn't spoil at all.

Bradley Cooper is superb and very well in the character. Well deserved. Meanwhile, De Niro, as usual, couldn't be better. I don't know what that man has, but he just doesn't make mistakes. Maybe he's in NZT...

The cinematography, the effects and the soundtrack also helps making this even better. So, with one of the most creative and inovative yet simple scripts in 2011, it is a must see.

12 years 11 months ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Guys, don't mind incrementing new features for the site.

Focus on launching iCheckMovies 2.0
13 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar


In a new scenario where the studios seek for long franchises this seems to be the next hit. It's not great, but it doesn't do bad. Way better than Narnias, The Golden Compass and Percy Jackson.

It's an action-science fiction teen movie. The context is kind of lame and isn't very well introduced. You will leave the theaters wondering what just happened, but it's nothing that ruins it. Analysing nowadays context, it's much better than a bunch of other teen movies as mentioned.

No biggie is required of the actors, besides of good health for the action scenes, but they look too old for the characters, maybe they'll fit better in the sequels.

Overall, it's a good way to spend time without worries or bigger intentions. The action scenes are very well done so as the special effects.

13 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar



It's an loyal adaptation of a good novel to a good screenplay. Maybe Ron Howard exagerated in the action scenes to make up for the lack of it in The Da Vinci Code. It just raises and raises with climax over climax and it get a little too tiring. Afterall, it became an action film and not a conspiracy adventure.

I don't like the Langdon character. It's too righteous and it just doesn't work. So does Tom Hanks performing it. In the other hand we have Ewan McGregor in the role of Il Camerlengo McKenna which works perfectly. Couldn't be done better.

The graphics and cinematography were amazing and just makes me more and more want to go to Rome. The statues' takes and the bomb scene were amazing and breathtaking.

13 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Because Carlos Saldanha is brazilian, I was expecting a vision a little less caricated from Brazil. Being carioca (born in Rio) I couldn't help feeling a little disrespected. The least I was expecting was a strong body guard wearing a shiny golden costume underneath his uniform just waiting to samba. Everything is too much stereotyped and doesn't help to change the world's vision of Brazil where everything is football-samba-women.

Despite that, as a kid's movie, it's more adventurous and dramatic than comic.

The graphics and the modeling of Rio were fantastic. Don't think that's not true, our nature really is that way. Come see for yourself and get your own conclusions.

13 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar


As everyone else said, it's extremely boring. One of the most stupid movies I've ever seen. Everything is so stupid it makes me want to kill everyone. They can't even talk properly. It just got into my nerves.

The only enjoiable thing was Jack Nicholson, as usual. He needs no comments.

13 years ago
fjcaetano's avatar


Not much to say here. Good war movie with 100% of action and gunshots. A bit preachy not giving time to breathe, specially when the super inflated patriotism comes to surface and the exaltation that marines can do the impossible.

So, evaluating as a war movie, good sound editing, excelent special effects. Didn't require much of the actors and the few parts where were drama, it's not ok. The megalomaniac action scenes reminded me of Michael Bay.

13 years ago

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