KloVero's comments

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KloVero's avatar


Probably my favorite '' fall in love '' scene ever. You can feel the attraction between the two even with a barrel covering his upper body! The war scenes are also incredible for the era, very impressive.
7 years 1 month ago
KloVero's avatar


I'm surprised nobody pointed out the beautiful metaphore with children that occured throughout the whole movie. To me, it was the most interesting aspect of the film; how the protagonists looked at those kids and all the nostalgia and regrets that came with it. That, and the editing, what wonderful job! I agree that the themes have been better carried by ''Unforgiven'', but we mustn't forget that ''The Whild Bunch'' was made 23 years earlier.

We all dream of being a child again, even the worst of us. Perhaps the worst most of all.
8 years 10 months ago
KloVero's avatar


I've decided to watch this movie after seeing the very good documentary ''Reel Injun'' (strongly recommended) and I wasn't disapointed. I think films like these are important in the cinema industry. Directed by an indigenous guy, acted by indigenous actors, showing the life on the reserve and what it is to be ''indian'' today in our modern world. I've not only really enjoyed ''Smoke Signals'' and laughed with good heart to it (the John Wayne's teeth song was hillarous), but I also found it empowering to all aboriginal and non-aboriginal people. I loved the use and references to traditional culture but always in a very modern way. I loved how they fight back against the white cowboys with humour and culture. I don't know in the United States, but in Canada, aboriginal people were forced by law to go into residential schools from their earlier age to civilazed them. In those schools (the last one closed only in 1996), they have suffered many abuses of all kind, from phsycological (taken away from their family), physical (they were beaten up if their were talking their language) to sexual. Those kids never learned what home meant and how it felt to be love by adults around them.The generation of aboriginal people right now in Canada are the first one since more than 100 years to be raised by their parents. And all those abuses cleary had an impact on the level of alcoolism, violence and suicide within the aboriginal communities (The suicide rate is 5x higher in the aboriginal communities than in the non-aboriginal ones. For the Inuit, it raised to 11x higher.) I know what I'm saying here is more or less relevent to the movie, but I just think it's important that people knows that history. In any case, my point is that the young generation of native people are facing those problem in their communities, in their own family, and they want to go foward. They deserve to be proud of themselve and to be part of the world, and that's what this film is about in my point of view. Of course, I'm making all kind of analysis because I like to, but this movie is also just really a good comedy to enjoy. The only bad aspect it's that oh-horrible wig !!
8 years 11 months ago
KloVero's avatar


Tarkovski's work is incredible in so many ways. A unique mix between ultra realist and ultra symbolist. Every framing is a piece of art. In one shot, the camera can give more than three points of view of the same scene. Tarkovski leads the viewer to where he wants him to be. No need to rush, the movie lives for itself. Yes, there are some similiar themes through all Tarkovski films but that's normal. He is one individual with his interests, passions and fascinations. He uses the cinema as a medium to explore them. That's what art is all about. The scene where spoiler will haunt me forever. The faith, the homeland, the mother, I feel as if this movie is a very personnal and intimate one to Tarkovski.
8 years 11 months ago
KloVero's avatar


I kind of disagree with most of the comments here. Even though it's not a bad film, particularly the last twenty minutes which were pretty good, I felt as if the story was rushed. ''Farewell my concubine'' was made by Kaige Chen the same year than ''M.Butterfly'', and covers the same themes. Chen's movie is nevertheless so much stronger in every aspect than Cronenberg's and I recommand to see both to be able to judge fairly ''M. Butterfly'' for what it could have been. Cronenberg failed, in my opinion, to delivers the beauty and mysteries of the Orient, and even his French students manifestation felt unatural and faked. I feel as if he decided to do a movie about something he doesn't know at all.
9 years ago
KloVero's avatar



I understand the love/hate relationship on those bollywood movies. This isn't my cup of tea either, way much too cheesy in my opinion. But the thing is, I don't prefer blockbuster, and those two kinds of movies are pretty similar in my opinion ; both are created upon unoriginal scenarios that give people what they want ; easily understandable moral, emotions, entertainment. You're watching a Bollywood movie, of course there is going to be some random dance scenes, please don't whine about it, you're just showing your ignorance of the genre. I'm really impressed by how far India succeed in developing its cinema industry. I mean they really are competing the States on the technical aspect, and on that point I give them all the credits they deserve. Also, I love how manly those actors are crying during the whole movie!
9 years 1 month ago
KloVero's avatar


I usually don't ''dislike'' movies because I know that even for the worst ones, people have put so much money, time, energy, resources in it that I respect them for creating something. People should keep that in mind when critiquing a movie. That being said, this movie is unbearable. Only for the sound aspect I could hate that movie. I think it's clearly unrespectful to your fan to have such an horrible sound quality. Godard doesn't know how to direct actors, or maybe he just like to direct them so bad because he wants them to play horribly. Everything in this movie feel fake. I know Godard is an iconoclast, he's an anticonformist, a ''revolutionnary''. I could forgive him the lack of structure, I could even pass over the fact that he doesn't care enough to cut his actors mistakes, but I cannot stand anymore his endless pseudo-intellectual sentences, particularly when they are being said by french actors speaking german or english with their so recognizable french accent. I swear to god I'll never watch this movie again.
9 years 1 month ago
KloVero's avatar


I had low expectations on this one, but I ended up really impressed. Sure, it's clearly religious propaganda but still, the special effects are flabbergasting considering the time!
9 years 2 months ago
KloVero's avatar


A lot better than I expected. It should be in the Biography list. I'm not a big fan of narration, but this one is worth it, very original. Loved how they succeeded in giving the movie the '70 cinematography, couldn't guess it was from 2002, a part from some special effects, as that how memorable pigeon scene.
9 years 4 months ago
KloVero's avatar


This movie talks more about America than about Scotland. The word freedom is the first ingredient to make american patriotism vibrate. (I'm still in shock that they dare did that ending spoiler seriously ? it cannot be more cliché.) Then you have the cult of a leader, the true chief we should all wait before taking our own lifes into our hands. Yeah right, they fight for freedom but Wallace is the only one talking about it, all they do is yell his name. Plus that beautiful Christ scene at the end, and he perished for our sakes, amen. You add some love scenes that don't make any sense, thanks to the lack of dimension of any character (dude they don't know each others!) and a lot of blooding scenes, you've got yourself a movie that will sells! Yes of course some beautiful shots, emotional music, they know what to do to keep their public entertained, and they have all that money ! Give as much money and ressources to any director and then we can compare the result ! Sorry for the bashing, this film was way too much american for what I'm able to bear. I understand some can just enjoy it and that's fine.
9 years 5 months ago
KloVero's avatar


Really like the narrative structure, very well edited, the time gaps are just perfect. That dog scene though... couldn't help myself from laughing.
9 years 5 months ago
KloVero's avatar


To those saying this is Lynch most accessible film ; I'm pretty sure you have not seen ''The straight story''.

Anyway, ''The Elephant Man'' is a wonderful film, a real piece of art and a very touching one that will haunts me for many days. After ''Eraserhead'', the expectation was really high for Lynch but his second film did not deceive.
9 years 6 months ago
KloVero's avatar


Really had fun watching this one. I think people who hated it just took it too seriously. Don't, just enjoy ! Not a great movie but worth the watch. Good acting, and a lot of similitude with Twin Peaks.
9 years 6 months ago
KloVero's avatar


I got physically involved watching this movie. Tarkovski is undoubtedly the best to create ambience. I never saw anything like this.
9 years 7 months ago
KloVero's avatar


Hi there guys, as I can see this group hasn't been active for a few years. Is there anyone still interested in it ? I'd have a question for all of you. I mainly watch french canadian movies for I am québécoise. Still, I would like to know more about the english canadian movies culture. I only know about David Cronenberg's work (which I love) but I'm sure there are some real good director out there in this big contry. Any suggestions ?
9 years 8 months ago
KloVero's avatar


The last battle scene made my day
9 years 8 months ago
KloVero's avatar


Incredibly modern!
9 years 8 months ago
KloVero's avatar


I'm a big fan of Cronenberg's work. Although Shivers is not my favorite at all, we can really see Cronenberg learning how to be a good director in it (he admitted it himself). One of his first ''big'' production with a very low budget, he faced a lot of problems ; very few days of shooting, enough money for only a few good actors... But even with theses imperfections, this movie has influenced many cult movies ; just think about how many similarities exist between Shivers and Alien (created in 1979, few years after)
9 years 8 months ago
KloVero's avatar


'' I think I know you. ''
10 years ago
KloVero's avatar


Terrible music but great ending.
10 years 1 month ago
KloVero's avatar


Brillant dialogue. In order to appreciate the movie for its full potential, I suggest to learn a little bit about Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine and theirs children before watching it.
10 years 1 month ago
KloVero's avatar


I liked this movie. It is as if the director has captured the essence of a reality. There is no action, no explosions, no crying, no screaming. It is a pure, simple and honest movie. In my opinion, this movie contains the most beautiful sex scene i've seen so far ; realistic, a little bit ackward and natural. Even though I don't like that actress, I think she was pretty okay in there. The Quebec and French accent can be disturbing for a francophone as I am, although you get used to it after a while.
10 years 4 months ago
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