lunalight's comments

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lunalight's avatar


I think the acting was really good. It was difficult to watch (in terms of the story). I can only imagine what it would be like in real life. But still an eye opening film
9 years 8 months ago
lunalight's avatar


i have never read the books but it was pretty painful. Same cliche storyline...nerdy girl doesnt know about what she can do..has a hard time choosing guys blah blah blah..

Not recommended!
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar



Predictable, boring, hardly any chemistry between the main characters and he wasnt even "ugly" looking
Time i'll never get back.
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


I struggled to watch this film. Fighting and throwing each other into buildings. Graphics were good, but it took ages for the plot to progress.
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


Visually, the film was great!

I agree with some of the more "party" songs, i could see why they put it in, but..yeah i dont like them there

But some songs were great, like Jack whites version of "love is blindness". That was top notch!
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


i absolutely love this movie.

But i cant help but feel that this film revolves around very specific area on David Bowie.

But a fab film nonetheless
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


my favourite film!

I really wasnt into sci fi before this, but this has to be one of the best movies i have ever saw. The ending ALMOST made me cry. And that is very hard to do.
Cant wait for the third one!
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


Zhao wei played a brilliant mulan. I was confused as to why there was a Ukrainian man (Vitas i think) singing opera at the beginning of a chinese film but nonetheless was a great film! It took a different spin to the disney version and showed the reality of war...and the ending...ouch!
9 years 9 months ago
lunalight's avatar


i am so confused by this movie! The graphics were brilliant and the acting was good, but i thought it was cheesy in some parts, and it was a bit forced. They tried to be funny and it just wasnt. The plot is nothing new either.

The soundtrack saved the film!
9 years 9 months ago
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