mfmopdenkamp's comments

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mfmopdenkamp's avatar


I did not like this movie so much. It contained too many flaws that made me aware of the cinema seat. It could also be that I am retarded and I don't understand the reasoning behind some things. Here they come:
I wasn't bored watching this movie though!
3 years 11 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


WHY do people compare this movie with 2001: A space Odyssey? I understand that the movies have common themes: space, mystery, aliens, year of release, a relatively slow pace and great cinematography, but they have a very different inner core.

The story and implications they carry are very different. 2001 caries a very strong message and meaning that Kubrick purposely transfers, while Tarkovsky is purposely vague with Solaris, so (amateur) film critics can attach many romantic views and interpretations that they empathize with.

While 2001 is about human evolution and the struggles that lay ahead for humanity as a whole, Solaris is (as far as I can interpret) about humans struggling with reality.
4 years 8 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


This movie traumatized me as a kid. Please don't let your children watch this as they will be scared for life
4 years 11 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


I wonder why there is so little attention for this documentary. It was quite good actually.

The interviews with the French youth were mostly very funny, especially when one player used a bit too affectionate wording to describe his idol and everyone else was cracking up.
6 years 3 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


They used to show this movie at least twice a year on Dutch television...

I have to say, my memory of it doesn't reflect IMDb users judgement. Guess it's easier to swallow when you're a kid.
6 years 5 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


We started to smoke exactly at the moment he started to, so I'm not going to make any effort of proposing a reliable verdict.
6 years 11 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


He must have forgotten 2001
6 years 11 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


I really liked the film, but it is such a bummer that the voices are all dubbed. Each time I noticed this, it pulled me out of the boat and in front of the screen.
7 years 11 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


I liked how things escalated in a logical way from a normal situation to the extreme. In some ways predictable, but you'll never guess how each story ends.

Very dramatic and serious, but also very funny at the same time. Each tale has it's own vibe, but the stories are linked so well. Vengeance is an utter dick!

What a genius film! Definitely one of my favourites!
9 years 3 months ago
mfmopdenkamp's avatar


Terrible rip-off from 2001, but still enjoyable to watch. Incredible visuals, but some flews in acting and dialogue (Topher Grace was awfully misplaced, people had giggles in the theatre by just seeing him).

I was a little surprised Nolan wrote it himself, since the science-fictional part it still quite interesting, but definitely based on 2001. The thing they did right in 2001 was not trying to explain and leaving a lot to the imagination, while Interstellar tries to explain them. How cliché.

The difference of music in 2001 and Interstellar is a good resemblance of both movies. While 2001 was all about mankind and its epicness, Interstellar focused more on the emotions and excitement, which are in my opinion unnecessary and highly overrated needs of modern music and film.
9 years 7 months ago
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