MrDoog's comments

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MrDoog's avatar


Dumb, charming and enjoyable action movie in which the final act goes on a little too long, littered with nods and winks to the industry itself.

Blunt and Gosling are great and I enjoyed it, you could do a lot worse with your two hours.
3 days 13 hours ago
MrDoog's avatar


This starts out as a satisfying revenge action flick with modest stakes but unfortunately it soon descends into total absurdity and you can pinpoint the moment - right when psycho Bee lands at the petrol station.
From there on in it descends into ludicrous nonsense. My initial entertainment evolved into a different kind of enjoyment, laughing at the escalation and occasionally thinking to myself "sure that may as well happen, why not"

However with all that said, I still had fun with this dumb pile of shit
2 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Rather than waste my and your time writing a long spiel as to why this movie is awful, I'll boil it down to its two biggest shortcomings...

1: The story-telling is atrocious. 2: It's boring. Those would've been the last two things I expected when it was announced that Scott was doing a Napoleon epic, but here we are.
4 months 4 weeks ago
MrDoog's avatar


I was robbed of 2 hours of my life.
10 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


This movie was appalling.

Runtime was far too long. PWB character was incredibly unlikeable. The plot was frequently incoherent. The action set pieces dragged on for too long to the point of tedium. Worst of all, this didn't even feel like an Indiana Jones movie.

I used to see the Disney logo attached to an upcoming animation or movie title and feel assured that it brought a certain degree of quality with it... after seeing what they've done with properties such as Star Wars, Marvel, Pixar and Willow in recent years and now Indiana Jones, I'm instead now expecting a pile of garbage. What a fall from grace
10 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Watched this for the first time since it released on vhs rental in the 90s and it was big mistake.
Sometimes a fond memory of a movie you watched ages ago is best left undisturbed, this is a clear example.
10 months 2 weeks ago
MrDoog's avatar


Not much to brag about here

Cons: Entirely far too much Ezra Miller. The CGI and special effects were probably the worst I've seen in a big blockbuster movie in about 20 years.
Pros: Keaton
11 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Not without its flaws but I have to admit I enjoyed it.

It's the first Marvel movie in a long time that evoked some emotions and actually had me thinking about it afterwards. I appreciated that it's a small self contained plot and by the end these guys reach a satisfying story arc conclusion for their characters.

Main criticisms would be that an awful lot of the jokes fell flat and the 2 hour 30 runtime dragged a little, it could've easily been trimmed by about 20 or 30 minutes.

Overall I'd recommend, it's a solid movie that occasionally tugs on your heartstrings much to my surprise. Hopefully the stench of the garbage Marvel has been pumping out for the past several years doesn't drag it down.
1 year ago
MrDoog's avatar


It was enjoyable but could have been excellent if not for all the made up stuff such as the antagonist agent, car chase, billionaire Tycoon getting smacked by a bureaucrat. There was enough of a real life story to make a compelling drama without all the Hollywood nonsense.
1 year ago
MrDoog's avatar


Very disappointed... my main take leaving the theater: I feel nothing, why was this movie even made because there's nothing remarkable to the story.

The decision to omit MJ from his few scenes was a little jarring. Only seeing the back of his head or blurred in the background reminded me of a cheap History channel reenactment and it actually took me out of the movie.

Certainly would not recommend it
1 year ago
MrDoog's avatar


"But do you see what this movie is trying to do here?" isn't enough to justify this not being a poor movie.

The biggest misstep here is that it's a black comedy in which the humour is severely lacking. The laughs solely rely upon the idea of Santa Clause doing very un-Santa like actions and it wears thin because the supporting cast and subplots offer very little despite its very long runtime.
1 year 4 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Was skeptical going in due to the bad and indifferent reviews... yet much to my surprise I found myself very much enjoying the first half. Unfortunately, the final 30 or so minutes undid most of this and reduced it to an unremarkable generic superhero flick with the ol' reliable pointless and impotent cgi army included. Would have also much preferred if they had kept Adam as more of a morally grey character in the true form of an antihero who makes decisions which the audience can empathise with or at least understand but for those on the outside would appear reprehensible

The Rock was solid as usual and have no complaints over the Justice actors, however, Brosnan stole the show here. He enhanced every scene he appeared in through a combo of solid acting and an intriguing character... it's a pity we couldn't have more because he was a real highlight of the movie

Didn't love it, didn't hate it, probably wouldn't recommend it
1 year 5 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


1 year 6 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


I watched this when it first came out and more or less dismissed it as a dumb loud action movie by a director I cannot stand.
However, after recently happening upon it on telly I have to say it was a very enjoyable, entertaining film with a wonderful cast. It does enough to get you invested in the main squad so that deaths actually carry some weight and the action sequences are pretty well shot for the most part.

I'm not sure if my revised estimation is because an average movie of 6 or 7 years ago looks a whole lot better when leveled against the tripe of 2022 or if I was just too harsh on it when I first saw it.

If you're in the mood for an action movie you could do a lot worse than this
1 year 6 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Felt like a low budget Jaws ripoff where the plot requires characters to often exhibit stupid double digit IQ decisions in order to drive the tension.
Not many positives, though the cinematography in the opening 20 minutes was a highlight.

Wouldn't recommend
1 year 8 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


That's how you do a multiverse, take note Disney's MCU.

Enjoyed it, it was something different that also had a bit of soul to it.
1 year 8 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


A watchable 90 minute time killer which I was expecting to be far worse than it was.
Was actually enjoying it until the midway point but the final act in particular was complete garbage.
1 year 8 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Decent effort but the gushing reviews on this have left me scratching my head a little.

The dialogue is functional at best (I couldn't watch the Comanche version) Didn't care for the acting prowess of the main character, i've seen her in a couple of other things before so that wasn't a surprise. There's also a little audience preaching when it depicting the French Canadians as knuckle dragging troglodytes... just what everyone wants from a Predator film - social commentary!

However with that said, considering how unwatchable the previous few Predator installments have been this was a pleasant surprise and fairly close in quality to Predator 2
1 year 9 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Not a great effort, just watch Guillermin's superior version from the 70s
1 year 9 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


It's a Bourne movie. If the Bourne movies were completely braindead and lacked the thought, logic, heart, practicality and suspense that made them.

Evans' character is unintentionally hilarious. A "tell, don't show" doofus of a villain that fails so spectacularly at every opportunity that I was half questioning whether or not this was supposed to be a comedy.

1 year 9 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


Very enjoyable, I was buzzing as I left the cinema

Loved the special effects, for the most part they felt real and immersive unlike most blockbusters nowadays. The plot is fairly thin, it's cheesy (though not nearly as much as the original) and the love story didn't really work, however, none of these things were a deal breaker for me, I went to watch an action movie about fighter jets.

Best of all this is just a simple enjoyable 80s/90s-style unapologetic action movie that does its thing and doesn't try to preach at the audience.
1 year 11 months ago
MrDoog's avatar


This one is underrated. It's ridiculous but fun and has enough good humour to keep it ticking over.
2 years ago
MrDoog's avatar


So if a henchman murders their boss they just... get all the boss's money, vehicles and henchmen? Never knew that's how the world works.

An idiotic, formulaic and tedious movie which doesn't possess enough fun to even pass it off as a 2 hour time filler, it's just crap.
2 years ago
MrDoog's avatar


Wouldn't be surprised if this was written by a 12 year old
2 years 1 month ago
MrDoog's avatar


Awful, awful, awful.

A dull, mind numbingly stupid movie that gleefully takes a steaming dump on the historical line it goes out of its way to explore. A film that is completely devoid of practically everything that made the original movie the success it was - the main absent ingredient being fun.

2 years 2 months ago

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