raretown's comments

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raretown's avatar


Richard Coyle was indeed quality, as was Neil Maskell, and the thumping soundtrack. Sterling effort overall, but polluted by tedious mockney acting from a lot of the supporting cast, and overuse of stylised club scenes. Kinda hard to take seriously when the original is one of the grittiest films ever made. Didn't help casting a supermodel with all the acting skills of a leek as the female lead either.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Easy to draw parallels with The Raid, but excused as Dredd was written and started filming before that did. AWESOME take on a classic character, this was indeed how it should have been done first time round. Deliciously brutal violence, and superbly inventive use of slow motion.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Not as funny as it could have been. Too much of the humour has a dumbed down four-weddings feel, and the supporting characters overdo it on the whole whacky-scotsmen thing. Good in places though, and heart warming enough.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Pretty weak. None of the kids can act, Jo Hartleys talents are wasted in the last half of the film on one-note hysterics, and the titular Inbreds are little more that a bunch of extras with comedy wigs and novelty billy-bob-teeth. Has its moments gore-wise, but feels too much like a League Of Gentlemen rip off.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Nowhere near as dark as it sells itself to be. Better than both the 'dulthood films though, and blessed with a more convincing cast. Interesting enough plot, when it's not slipping into music video mode.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Can see why this was banned back in the 80s, but its pretty lame compared to the gorefests of today. Interesting to know it more or less happened for real though.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Not bad. Drags in places but then it is a stageplay adaptation. All the performances are solid, and the humour perfectly dry with a couple of laugh out loud moments. Good to see McConaghey playing a bad guy too. He rocks at it.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Really lame. Just about every creature feature cliche has been ticked here, and the acting on display is pitifully half-arsed. Complete waste of a budget.
11 years 7 months ago
raretown's avatar


Absolute piss. Interesting concept completely ruined with woeful miscasting (Rooker aside) and an embarassingly naff monster. Watch it for yourself and try not to laugh.
11 years 7 months ago
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