sparsparf's comments

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sparsparf's avatar


Not very nice movie when it comes to portraying women and how to treat them. Very sad to watch. Affected my mood for watching so much that wouldn't get seriously invested in the story, characters or whatever anymore, just didn't find it worth while to care.
5 years 10 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


So refreshing!
9 years 1 month ago
sparsparf's avatar


First time I saw it I was a bit too confused to like it that much. But I watched it again and I and thought it was really amazing. The third time I saw the movie my excitement had calmed down a bit and now I saw it with clear eyes. It still was a really good movie! The best part is perhaps how the music and the action scenes fit so perfectly together. The movie is also very beautiful, the lighting and camera, colours and such.
9 years 8 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


Not actually worth watching. I tried to pretend it was meant to be a comedy, but no, it wasn't funny or enjoyable even that way...
9 years 10 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


I was bored during.. well, almost every part of this film. There were no surprises at any point and the disgustingly moving and talking characters (talking about some women here) and odd lighting/colour choices (among with other things I'm not very fond of) distracted me from the main plot - which wasn't very convincing itself. But sure, if it hadn't been so much out of my taste I could have enjoyed it. It wasn't a bad movie, it just wasn't a movie I enjoy watching.
10 years 6 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


What a waste... of everything!
11 years 11 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


The worst movie I've seen in a while. Very, very much clichés, too obvious incidents, bad script and weird characters. D'Artagnan's actor wasn't very good and nor was Milady's. In the woman's case things were just awful. I hated every second she was on the stage, because she was so annoying and flirting. Almost ruined the whole movie. ..Oh well, it was ruined anyways.
Another thing that bothered me was... well, there was so many things that didn't fit the 1600-century-concept. Like the "airships". Those things could have never been able to fly - not even today.
Also the special effects (backgrounds) were poor. :(

Tho sum it up: I'm sad that a good story has been spoiled like this. I also feel a little bit sorry for the actors/actresses. Not really worth watching.
12 years 3 months ago
sparsparf's avatar


I must say I was very disappointed when I saw this. I read the book - which was amazing - and looked forward for seeing Disney's version of it. But it was too.. too... I just... First I was excited, then incredulous (can this really be spoiled like this?), then kind of angry or frustrated and finally just sad.
I know, I know, the movie is never the same as the book; especially when the movie is made for little children. But sometimes I just can't hook up with the solutions Disney makes.
12 years 9 months ago
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