Thorkell's comments

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Thorkell's avatar


The plot idea is very good but the script could have used a little more work and the film a better director and actors. I'm usually no fan of remakes but I do support remaking films that have good ideas but failed in production.

There is a huge plot hole in this film which irritates me.

Spoilers! How did they get away with the lie when everything that happens at the end is filmed by the security camera? The police will look at it and find out. We could assume that the police officer deleted everything but it does not look like he had enough time to do so. The police cars are coming when he is still in front talking to the couple.
5 months 2 weeks ago
Thorkell's avatar


Paint me captured, dazzled, and enchanted. What a huge surprise. The first feature film by, Charlotte Colbert, a poetic feminist horror film (don't let the feminism stop you) which is produced by Dario Argento and kind of answers the question: What would a horror film directed by Tarkovsky look like? Well, something like this I would believe.

It is beautifully filmed but the magic here is in the editing. How we slide in and out of reality without ever realizing at what point it happened. It¨s hard not to be hypnotized while watching this. And the fantastic music does not hurt either.

If you like art house horror then don't let the low rating on this one stop you.
6 months 1 week ago
Thorkell's avatar

8 months 3 weeks ago
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10 months ago
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10 months 3 weeks ago
Thorkell's avatar


I wonder if those who rated this film so high saw the same film as I did. 7.5 on IMDb and 98% on RottenTomatoes! I honestly had to force myself to watch it to the end. Here are my main problems with the film:

1) It feels like the actors were directed by a stage director who knew nothing about film acting. When people are talking in a crowd they stand so everyone can be seen on the screen, even when it is totally unnatural. Everyone waits for their turns to speak and they say everything a little too dramatically. A little over the top. Like they are trying to act for the viewer at the back of the theater.

2) The script spoon feeds everything to the audience. Almost every scene starts too early and ends too late with every information needed spelled out so you know exactly where they are, who is who and what is happening. The dialog is so forced that it never feels normal. Like something people would really say.

3) The film language is so obvious and so preachy that we always know what is going to happen. The whole film feels like a propaganda and not a living retelling of a historical fact.

4) The film takes place in the 50s but never ever have I seen such a clean picture of the 50s. Even in the dirt poor south where everything is so clean and beautiful. This really took me out of the whole experience.

5) The characters are not well drawn, even though they are based on real people. They felt like stand-ins. They had a function to preach the story. That's all.

It is a real shame because the story being told is both important and very strong. Sadly this bucket of a film has so many holes that little of what really mattered was left in the bucket when it reached the screen.
1 year 5 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


The script could have gone deeper into (and worked better with) the metaphor. The characters should also have been a little more complicated. This goes especially for the parents. The mother is just a stereotype. Carton board thin. She is so over the top that it's hard to take her seriously.

In short, the film should have been more ambivalent. That being said, the idea is brilliant. This would have been perfect for Cronenberg back when he knew how to make a body horror film.
1 year 5 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Brilliant film about narcissism in modern society. Quite funny but also very painful to watch. I constantly had to look away because it was simply too embarrassing.
1 year 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


I don't get the low rating on IMDb. This series is amazing and very relevant for today's political atmosphere. Rulie Roberts and Sean Penn are amazing (Penn is almost unrecognizable but it is Shea Whigham who plays G. Gordon Liddy who steals the show. Don't let the low ratings keep you away from this brilliant drama.
1 year 10 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Amazing sci fi series.
1 year 12 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Who would have thought that Paul Verhoeven would make his best film so late in life! He is 83 years old today. He was 80 years old when he started making this film which was pushed back because of personal health problems and Covid.

This is an incredibly beautiful film about women who try to break free within the constraints of their times. It is a celebration of humanity, sexuality, creativity and life. Verhoeven approaches his subject with so much love - so much compassion for humanity - that one is left with the feeling of having experienced something sacred. Not the sacredness of the church or the presence of God but the sanctity of life and human nature.

A masterpiece which I look forward to revisiting.
2 years 5 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Interesting take on the film!
2 years 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Not sure if this was grand mal seizure or grand mal migraine but what ever it was it was bad.
3 years ago
Thorkell's avatar


Half way through this amazing film someone says, "Then something really strange happened". And I was like: "Then?" Up to this point I had seen so many strange things in the film that my jaw was on the floor. What could be stranger than what I had seen until now?

This brilliant documentary explains so well the nihilistic internet culture on 4chan and how dangerous and weaponized it became when it got a political power (when Trump arrived at the scene).

I thought I was going to watch a film about the fight for Pepe (save him from white supremacy) but this film is so much more than that. It is a deep cultural and political study of our times. Incredibly insightful stuff! Strongly recommended.
3 years 3 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Steven Soderbergh is one of the most interesting directors out there. He is willing to take chances, experiment and push himself creatively. This was filmed on only 8 days. They only had outlines of what would happen. All the dialog was improvised. What we end up with is something that reminds me of late Robert Altman. Not in style but thematically and emotionally. This is a simple film on the surface but if you stop and allow yourself to think about what just happened you realize that you did not only witness a slice of life, you also saw something profound about the mystery and meaning of creativity. Sadly most people will rush to judgment and miss the beauty in this fragile and beautiful film.
3 years 4 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


It is hard to rate this. If we forget the book and just look at the series then I would rate it higher. It is good. But why adopt a great book and then disregard everything that made that book interesting?

Gone is the dark, insane humor. Why? Is modern world too PC for humor like that? Were they afraid that people would not get the underling criticism? This is especially evident when it comes to how the soldiers treated the women. In the book everything starts out as a huge joke but it little by little we get to see underneath the humor and it is a nightmare. Here we never discover the nightmare. We are presented with it from the beginning. And it is not even close to the nightmare in the book, which shows even uglier sides of the war. Removing this journey from humor to horror takes away the shock effect.

I also wonder if they were afraid of offending the Italians. There is a great part in the book when Yossarian is looking for the little sister and everyone thinks he wants to fuck a child and are willing to help him find a child to fuck. Was this too shocking for modern world?

Another thing that makes the book so good is that it jumps back and forth in time, which makes the story feel like an endless nightmare, without a beginning or an end. Here we get a straight story line which kills that totally.

The book also has a quick tempo. The series are very slow and take their time. I have nothing against that but it is not Catch-22. I hope those who watch this will not think that they don't need to read the book. If you are not going to read it then at least watch the film. It is much closer to the style of the book than this mini series.
4 years 9 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


This is one of those films I find hard to rate. I liked most of it but struggled with the end.

SPOILERS!!! Not the part about leaving the house, that is explained. It crumbled because of black mold, so fixing the roof is not going to help. It is a major renovation. My problem was that they use the gasoline to burn it down. Why not save it? Or better yet, why burn down the house at all. I know they talk about it in the film. People will come looking and think they are dead if the house is burned down. But is anyone going to care if they are dead or not? I get the symbolism. Burn down the house as a symbol for a new beginning. New start for human kind. It is a good symbol but the film lacked justification for the action. Now if people were trying to harm them. Coming after them (or a danger that the rapist came back) then we have a reason but as it stands it is a symbol not supported by plot. END OF SPOILERS!

This film is just as much about sisterhood/siblinghood as it is about the end of social structure and modern life, and it is here the film is at its best. The film captures well the beauty and strength of such relationships. And this is where the end kind of makes sense also.

SPOILERS: One can say that the act at the end does not have to be logical. A good friend/sister does what the other needs, even if it means that their life will be a little harder. Not all needs are logical but they are needs none the less. END OF SPOILERS.

So even though this is not a masterpiece it affected me more than many films I have seen of late. It has a heart and mood that is all of its own. Not many films do.
5 years 1 month ago
Thorkell's avatar


Interesting early example of cultural appropriation discussion!
6 years 1 month ago
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6 years 4 months ago
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6 years 4 months ago
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6 years 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


I liked this film the first time I saw it and really did not get the hate. The second time I saw it I loved it. What the hell is wrong with people? This film touches on so many interesting issues. The 1% VS the 99%. Boarder politics and general prejudice, where not only minorities and poor people are left behind but also the zombies. Yes, this time around Romero does not only show the humans as worse than the zombies. he gives us a Biblical story of their salvation. A kind of Exodus story with a Moses like leader to lead the zombies to a better place.

If this film had been made in the 70s or the 80s it would be considered a masterpiece. But because it is recent it is disregarded. This is far far better than Dawn of the Dead.

I don't think people appreciate the fact that Romero never repeated himself in his Zombie films. Every time he brought a new view on the subject. A fresh perspective and symbol. None of them are really about the same subject. I think this might be the reason why the latter films get so much hate. People wanted more of the same. Romero wanted something new, as any true artist would.
6 years 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


nick121235 is right on the money!
6 years 7 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Agree. Not a bad film at all!
6 years 8 months ago
Thorkell's avatar


Aka Fluefangeren
7 years ago

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