yukononun's comments

Comments 1 - 25 of 109

yukononun's avatar


Ahead of it's time. Identity theft and hacking are both a major concern, especially in the digital age. Interesting to see them covered 30 years ago.

Sandra's character was pretty smart at times and capable of defending herself, which was refreshing to see. Not something I'd watch again, especially since it was more of a typical thriller, but the premise was definitely unique (for the time, anyway).
3 months 1 week ago
yukononun's avatar


Despite being set in the 1970's, it still somehow sums up society perfectly. This is either a good or a bad thing depending on your perspective.
6 months 4 weeks ago
yukononun's avatar


It's definitely a slow burn. It requires patience, which (in my opinion) is well rewarded. It feels like a dream, or a nightmare in this case. Very unique and definitely left me feeling quite unsettled.

I'm confused by the comments, though. The one who said "Literally nothing happens" doesn't make sense, because a lot happens in this film. It's more than whispers and cartoons, and it's certainly not a found footage film like Blair Witch.

It's obviously not for everyone, but I liked it.
7 months 3 weeks ago
yukononun's avatar


The first half was quite generic and unmemorable (and contained a few too many embarrassing/cringey moments), but the second half (starting around the blue soup scene) was very enjoyable and contained a few laugh-out-loud moments. If the whole film was like that, then it definitely would've been one of my favourite romcoms. As it stands, though...it's fine, but not great.
10 months 4 weeks ago
yukononun's avatar


Since Siskoid didn't use spoiler tags, I thought I'd point out: Honestly, I don't think Isabel was telling the truth. This film could very well be about drug addiction, especially when you notice the huge amount of plotholes if Utopia really did exist.
I prefer it as a metaphor, but others may not. It's rather open-ended so take what you want from it. Either way, I quite enjoyed it and thought that both leads were fantastic, especially Owen Wilson.
12 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Very intriguing. I went in knowing nothing about it, and came out in awe. The attention to detail was outstanding, the acting was great and there are plenty of hidden details that make it worth rewatching just to find them spoiler.

Very unnerving, and Sigourney was absolutely phenomenal. I've never seen Harry Connick Jr in anything before (unless Iron Giant counts) so I was amazed at how good he was at acting. He did a great job at being both creepy and insane.
spoiler Other than that, it was great.

If you find the ending spoiler
12 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Funny and rather unpredictable. Jenny was phenomenal.
It was very enjoyable and genuinely good...until the last 20 minutes or so (whenever the boat scene begins). It then becomes unnecessarily painful and hard to watch, for all of the wrong reasons. It was obvious from the beginning of that scene that they were planning on having one of those clichéd spoiler scenes where spoiler. It began to pick back up after that, and when it reached the spoiler scene it seemed like it had found it's groove again...and then it ended.

The spoiler

I'll probably watch it again, but I just wish that that scene was handled better.
12 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Some creepy moments, but (largely thanks to the music and effects) generally felt more like a thriller than a horror.
1 year 5 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Beautiful cinematography and a haunting soundtrack. I feel like the second half wasn't as powerful or engaging as the first, but overall it was quite the unique ride. The two leads (Jessie and Rory) were absolutely brilliant.
1 year 5 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Decent film with good acting from the lead, but not the greatest adaptation. Charles is quite the dick in this one (especially to Alice) and his intelligence is treated as a huge burden. The side effects were also a strange addition. spoiler

It barely touched on empathy, trauma or any of the other themes present in the book. The moral appears to simply be "ignorance is bliss" and "be happy with what you have".
1 year 8 months ago
yukononun's avatar


A good film and pretty great adaptation, but the music is often jarring and even drowns out talking at various points. The second half handles it better, but still stumbles at times.

The other problem is that the lessons on empathy and compassion are both downplayed in here compared to the book. Dally in particular stands out, as he's more aggressive with Johnny which makes spoiler later on hit less hard. Randy says he's tired of it all, but spoiler. Less emphasis is put on the similarities between the two gangs, in terms of how they're just people. Even Darry's dilemma takes a backseat, as he seems more content with not going to college and with being poor.

In short: it's good, but not as good as it could have been.
1 year 9 months ago
yukononun's avatar


A lovely rom-com that accurately depicts living with phobias. Simple and sweet.
1 year 9 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Enjoyable in a comedic sense. Frustrating in a realistic sense. Torgo summed it up perfectly.

The only thing I would critique is the ending. It was beautiful right up until spoiler

I find some of the comments here to be quite baffling.
In response to some of them:
1. The film only focuses on two characters, but mainly on one. If you're having difficulty with following 1-2 characters then I'm not sure that the film is to blame.
2. There is a plot. It's there from the very beginning and plods steadily along throughout the entire film.
3. It's strange to label this as a misanthropic film when it also went out of it's way to show the side of humanity worth saving. It was pretty clear in that area.
4. If you dislike 90% of the characters despite them being varied, then that's not the problem of the film.
5. If you sided with the scientists and were yelling at the screen wanting the officials and public to just DO SOMETHING, then congrats, you got the point of the film.
6. It's not about COVID. You missed the point of the film entirely.
1 year 9 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Surprisingly good, especially considering that it was based on a video game. Not too much action, not too cliched, with some very funny jokes. Adults and children alike should get a kick out of it.

The scenes with Jim Carrey and Adam Pally were the best parts. Oddly enough, the scenes heavily featuring Sonic (especially the bar scenes) were the least funny and the least interesting. At least to me, anyway.
1 year 9 months ago
yukononun's avatar


A good take on how people often trivialise trauma and rarely take PTSD seriously. Also a pretty good take on why having kids is a bad idea, depending on your take on Chris.
Personally, I thought that Chris was such a horrid person that it was impossible to root for her or sympathise with her in any way.

Sandra Oh was fantastic.
I didn't find the film even remotely scary; it was more like a suspenseful drama.
Although this film isn't about grief, I found that it reminded me of The Babadook. That film is vastly superior, however.
2 years ago
yukononun's avatar


The first half was quite spooky. The second half had interesting effects, but dropped most of the scares.
Felt like it should've been two different films, to be honest.
2 years 1 month ago
yukononun's avatar


The only good thing about it is how big of a simp Dr Claw is.
2 years 1 month ago
yukononun's avatar


Very enjoyable. The climax was a bit of a letdown spoiler especially after such slow-burning tension, but the acting was good and there were plenty of anxiety-inducing scenes.

I wouldn't watch it again, but I definitely didn't regret seeing it.
2 years 1 month ago
yukononun's avatar


There's so much potential here. So much wasted potential.

Firstly, the lead actress is phenomenal. Despite spoiler, she's able to captivate the viewer with a single look. She manages to be both alluring and terrifying.
Secondly, the atmosphere and cinematography are both fantastic. It's a beautiful looking film and the rising tension is captured perfectly.
Thirdly, the soundtrack is great. It really complements the film and doesn't get in the way.

So what's the issue, then?
Three things:
1. The male actors, especially the lead. While the actor who played the brother was the weakest link, the lead was just not convincing. The only thing he really pulled off was legitimately looking like he had anaemia, but I'm not sure that can be credited to his acting skills.

2. The lengthy sex scenes. Were two long and gratuitous sex scenes really needed here? Did they add anything to the story? Because I'm certain that the film would've progressed just fine without them. In fact, it probably would've benefited greatly from it.

3. The script. From the dialogue to the plot, so much of it was unnecessary and so much of it needed tweaking.
Were the two conversations with the motel manager really needed? Was it truly necessary to hear multiple topics spoiler over and over again to advance the plot?
That aside, the plot itself is both a mess and in dire need of fixing. If the focus was put upon the sister and less upon the brother, and if the tone was more of an atmospheric horror spoiler than a drama with horror elements, then this would've been an incredible film.

It has nearly all of the pieces to be something truly fantastic, but the few missing pieces are so necessary and so glaring that the film just doesn't work. It's such a shame.
2 years 2 months ago
yukononun's avatar


I think with a bit of trimming (10-15 minutes?) and maybe a different song for the end credits then it would've been a masterpiece.

It was enjoyable, though. Duplass was great as always.
2 years 8 months ago
yukononun's avatar


I also have mixed feelings, but for different reasons.
The acting is fantastic (especially by Kate Winslet, but no surprise there), the characters are fascinating and there is a lot of character development. The pace is good and steady, the music isn't intrusive and the cinematography is quite nice.

Some "clues" ranged from being pretty obvious to straight up in your face. There was too much handholding, to the point of being dumbed-down at times...and then the viewer is also expected to believe various plot holes and questionable events spoiler, even when they're skimmed over or aren't fully explained. At the very end everything isn't neatly wrapped up, which isn't always a bad thing but in this programme it's noticeable. There are a few questions left that could've quickly and easily been answered, and would've made it more (for lack of a better word) immersive.
Or maybe I'm just picky after being spoiled by Sharp Objects.

That being said, it was a great ride and I don't regret watching it. In fact, knowing what I know now might actually make a second viewing more enjoyable. I don't have to focus on "whodunnit" and instead just enjoy the brilliant performances.
2 years 9 months ago
yukononun's avatar


It's not what I thought it'd be, which unfortunately for me is a bad thing.
From what I had seen and heard, I thought that it would've been a film about a couple trapped in "the backrooms", with weird and creepy things happening to them as they desperately tried to escape.

If I had known that the majority of the film was actually spoiler then I probably wouldn't have watched it.

It's very niche, that's for sure. If the acting wasn't so incredible (especially from Imogen Poots) then I don't know if I would've sat through the whole thing. The concept of applying an animal behaviour that becames barbaric when it's applied to humans is fascinating, but in the film it often toes the line between being monotonous and being incredibly draining. It's just so...bleak.
2 years 10 months ago
yukononun's avatar


I'd recommend watching episodes 1-11 before calling it a day. 11 is the perfect end, and only goes downhill from there.

I'd also like to point out that while the beginning is relatively accurate in portraying autism, after episode 11 it begins to drop the ball. Autistic people can cope under pressure, they aren't cold-hearted assholes and they do not lack empathy. Although the beginning is great at showing that autistic people can and do handle the same jobs as NT people, after 11 it instead shows that apparently even an autistic savant will crack under pressure and from too much stimuli.
I have many other issues with this show, but that is the biggest one for me. It's telling people that autistic people can never succeed, at least not at the same level as neurotypicals. And that is a completely damaging lie.
3 years 4 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Awesome cinematography and incredible tension. I don't know if it's a film that I'd watch again (as the suspense would be dampened due to knowing all of the twists), but it was a great ride.

Not really a spoiler, but spoiler

I know that this film is referred to as a "Trump horror film" (which may put off those who aren't wanting to watch a political film), but that's not entirely accurate. The director himself has said that it's more a commentary on the state of mental health in the US. This isn't a spoiler as it's apparent right from the very beginning and all throughout the film. spoiler

Regardless, I really enjoyed it. I'm glad that I ignored the IMDB rating, or else I would've passed on a great gem. I hope that others will give it a chance, too. Just go in blind and with no expectations. That's what I did, and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.
3 years 4 months ago
yukononun's avatar


Torture porn and features extremely gory scene involving a cat. Why that was considered necessary is completely beyond me.
3 years 5 months ago

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