zombierobo's comments

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zombierobo's avatar


Although the movie title says fast food, the movie is more about people whose lives revolve around the fast food industry and the choices they have and the reality that hits them.

The movie was good.
6 years 5 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


For those who wants to find ways to talk shit about the jokes in the movie...Just shut up and enjoy the jokes as they are ("JOKES") and nothing much....
6 years 7 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


Last time I saw this was 10 years ago...it just became more memorable for me with the rewatch this time....Here's hoping it gets better when I watch it in the next 10 years....
6 years 8 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


Was looking for a movie similar to Little Miss Sunshine for so long. THIS is it!!!!!
6 years 9 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


I dont know anything about music except to listen and enjoy it. So, much of the film didnt make any sense to me. Enjoyed the Music and the tension between the student and the teacher.
6 years 10 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


Probably one of the few movies I will keep watching many more times from beginning to end.
6 years 10 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


It has come to a point in this time of ours when everything has to be rated against what's already there or what is expected from someone. Movies had become a commodity rather than a medium where we just forget reality and take a dive into the realm within the silver screen where someone painted the canvas with their thoughts.

In my opinions, there are good movies, there are bad movies and there are average movies. Cliches or not this one was one of those good movies.
6 years 11 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


I like this movie very much. But I still feel that this is one of the most overrated movies of the decade. And people are calling this as best superhero movie of the year when the only highpoint of the movie is that one actor who died after doing a really good job in the film and he is not even the hero or maybe he is.

I do agree that this is a very good crime/drama film and a fine one in that class but this isnt a superhero movie IMO just because it has batman in it. The plot was very simple with a lot of philosophical undertones which engulfed itself with its own sense of misplaced self-righteousness (and no I am not saying these to claim myself to be an intellectual, these are merely my opinions put in the terms of the movie's quotes and I am a very simple minded man and you can rip on me for that).

I do respect other's opinion but just dont care about people jumping on to defend the movie with empty arguments like 'this is an intellectual piece of art and cant be understood by simpletons'. I say to those people, 'Good for you for being one of the intellectuals on the planet and I am glad that there is a filmmaker who can quench your thirst for critical thinking'.

I just wanted a superhero movie, that's all.
6 years 11 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


Good Movie. But overrated for a lot of social reasons. And what's with people praising it for Action sequences?? :P But then may be most of the audiences are slow to grab on action sequences that are little bit fast like in Man of Steel.
6 years 11 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


I liked the movie and IMO this is not any better than the previous spider-man films. It could have been, but most of the high points of the movie where spider-man had a chance to shine were shot down by ironman's involvement except for the climax and maybe DC.

Here's me hoping for a day when Marvel gets off of its cane (ironman) to walk....DC had the same problem with batman but it seems wonder woman may finally change it.
6 years 11 months ago
zombierobo's avatar


There are many wonderful moments in this movie. But the story was too realistic which pushed me out of the entertainment more than once. This movie will still be enjoyable for young audiences.
7 years ago
zombierobo's avatar


7 years ago
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