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Vasily Petrov's avatar

Vasily Petrov, Moscow, Russia

Not to take a job. . .it's also freedom. Freedom of choice. No worker can refuse, do the job, or never return to it because of the absence of a favorable attitude. And that I could. I have the chance now not to turn my computer and spend the entire day outside of town, even if it is even on the Wednesday of the busiest week of the year. Because sometimes it's only due to this chance that I'm likely to fight with my sparkling ideas the next day.Hello, my name is Vassili, I am a bookie. I perform at I am a fantastic analyst, I had been a professional football player, and now I don't miss one game. I've got an interesting job. In my spare time I write posts on this issue of sport. Even in the days of Ancient Rome among the favorite entertainments has been the observation of all kinds of competitions: gladiatorial fights, horse races, rooster conflicts, etc.. Viewers often tried to guess that the winner and did. The stakes were either cash or other advantages. Gamblers, at the end not in their own favor, can assert clothes, home, grandparents, and children .
Thoughts. Everybody hasn't once found it difficult to groom this unidentified and elusive substance in words. And, undoubtedly, it was even more challenging to turn those words into sentences: shouting, estimating, inquiring, intriguing or mixing. The maximum degree of mastery of this art is unquestionably poetry. It's harmonious and capacious to express any thought without breaking your favored, chorus or amphibian, but not everyone is able to do it. One of the poets, obviously, are excellent prose writers - individuals who have created great and eternal masterpieces using their ability for word management. And this is somewhere near... how near is everybody going to pick for themselves... quickly knocking the secrets and concentrating on the screen, I'm a very simple man.
naturally, not everything instead of consistently so sweet and simple. Naturally, possibly the most difficult thing for any writer: the option to compose or not, even if the subject of the structured job is contrary to some opinions or principles. It's at these moments that I most frequently make myself remember that I'm a skilled and has to perform my work accordingly. . .or not require it.
I'm unfamiliar with all the stuffy office, crowded rooms, communication throughout the " don't desire" with unpleasant individuals, obviously limited working area and the circle of colleagues. I choose! Today I've got a cup of warm, aromatic coffee. And tomorrow, I'll put on more comfortable clothing, go to my favourite park and below a number of leaves and singing birds I'll compose soulful and sentimental opuses. In a few days, sitting in a ringing silence, which is disturbed only by the buzzing of these systems, I'll explore the expanse of the World Wide Web searching for the information I want to create a masterpiece. Or perhaps, in general, I'll get lost in the Internet cafe among adolescents who are stuck in social networks and internet games, and provide something prosaic and accessible to everyone.


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2 December 2019
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  1. V/H/S

    4 years 7 months ago
  2. Sing

    4 years 7 months ago
  3. Maps to the Stars

    4 years 7 months ago
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  1. Fight Club

    4 years 7 months ago
  2. Pulp Fiction

    4 years 7 months ago
  3. The Dark Knight

    4 years 7 months ago
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