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violalyubimova's avatar

Viola Lyubimova, Moscow, Russia

Hello, I'm Viola, working as copywriter. I've been lucky with my career in the autumn because I have been passionate about reading since childhood, creating stories and fairy tales. A writer, that is me.
An author is a terrific calling. Such an individual has parenting, charisma, and may always capture the attention of the public. In principle, every one of us can write some small job, but not everyone can make himself known, reveal his work to the general public. What's a writer the person who's read?
That I feel that the answer is simple enough. For writing to be meaningful, you have to have readers that are motivated by your own job. After all, what is the objective of this writing profession? To share your thoughts, your perception of the world with your audience. And frequently, it will help us, the readers, to have a take a look at the planet in a new manner.
The amazing writers began their careers from scratch. But, even under the most unfortunate conditions, a person can obtain fame by his talent. Often, it had been writers from poor households that found celebrity. Back then, there was no web or people who might help popularize their creations, they attained everything by themselves, passing the most troublesome tests.
Of course, the statement" A writer is not one who writes, but one who is read" is accurate. However, that said, it's always important to remember what you are writing about and how you're writing. A manuscript could gain worldwide recognition in case it was initially known only to a few people, if it is capable of touching the reader's sensibilities, and when it had been composed with caliber and love for what you do.
I believe one should write about what is relevant at all times. Internationally acclaimed works touch on problems that constantly go along with a person" Romeo and Juliet" tells us about the complex love of 2 teenagers," Captain's Daughter" having a good deal of ethical teachings. Thus, these functions remain readable to the day.
I hope that truly talented written functions will reach the public. I'd love to find competent, young writers at the top, not people who've successfully soared because of PR and promotion.


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10 May 2021
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  1. Oldeuboi

    3 years ago
  2. Django Unchained

    3 years ago
  3. Into the Wild

    3 years ago
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  1. Fight Club

    3 years ago
  2. Pulp Fiction

    3 years ago
  3. The Matrix

    3 years ago
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