Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.

  1. Kebun Binatang

    2012 — a.k.a. Postcards from the Zoo, in 0 top lists Check
  2. Babi buta yang ingin terbang

    2008 — a.k.a. Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly, in 0 top lists Check
  3. Belkibolang

    2011, in 0 top lists Check
  4. Dajang Soembi, perempoean jang dikawini andjing

    2005 — a.k.a. Dajang Soembi, the Woman Who Was Married to a Dog, in 0 top lists Check
  5. Hulahoop Soundings

    2008, in 0 top lists Check
  6. Kara, Anak Sebatang Pohon

    2005, in 0 top lists Check
  7. Trip to the Wound

    2008 Check
  8. A Very Slow Breakfast

    2003 Check
  9. Someone's Wife in the Boat of Someone's Husband

    2013, in 0 top lists Check
  10. Strangers

    2013 Check
  11. A Very Boring Conversation

    2006 Check
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