Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.

  1. Supernatural: Dead Man's Blood

    2006, in 0 top lists Check
  2. The X-Files: Deadalive

    2001, in 0 top lists Check
  3. The X-Files: Three Words

    2001, in 0 top lists Check
  4. The X-Files: Trust No 1

    2002, in 0 top lists Check
  5. NCIS: Heartland

    2008 Check
  6. NCIS: Jet Lag

    2010 Check
  7. NCIS: Semper Fidelis

    2009 Check
  8. The X-Files: 4-D

    2001, in 0 top lists Check
  9. The X-Files: Nothing Important Happened Today II

    2001, in 0 top lists Check
  10. The X-Files: Via Negativa

    2000, in 0 top lists Check
  11. Bones: Stargazer in a Puddle

    2007, in 0 top lists Check
  12. Bones: The Boneless Bride in the River

    2007, in 0 top lists Check
  13. Bones: The Headless Witch in the Woods

    2006, in 0 top lists Check
  14. Bones: The Titan on the Track

    2006, in 0 top lists Check
  15. Gossip Girl: Chuck in Real Life

    2008 Check
  16. Gossip Girl: In the Realm of the Basses

    2009 Check
  17. Gossip Girl: School Lies

    2008 Check
  18. Gossip Girl: Victor/Victrola

    2007 Check
  19. Gossip Girl: Woman on the Verge

    2008 Check
  20. The Kissing Place

    1990, in 0 top lists Check
  21. NCIS: Internal Affairs

    2008 Check
  22. NCIS: Kill Screen

    2011 Check
  23. NCIS: Last Man Standing

    2008 Check
  24. NCIS: Life Before His Eyes

    2012, in 0 top lists Check
  25. NCIS: Mother's Day

    2010 Check
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Showing items 1 – 25 of 134