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  1. Limburgs Dagblad Top 100's icon

    Limburgs Dagblad Top 100

    Favs/dislikes: 1:0. In 2010 the Dutch regional newspaper Limburgs Dagblad held a poll to select the top 100 best movies. The organizers preselected 100 movies from the period 1950-2000 and voters had to rank their top 10. Furthermore, they could add a personal choice. Ranking was based on the top 10s. The most mentioned personal choices were given a place in the top 100. Over the next two years they discussed the next movie in the list each week. Preselected, but didn't make it: A Clockwork Orange Carrie Dr. Strangelove: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Flaming Star Planet of the Apes Rain Man Scream Zusje The Usual Suspects Made it on personal choice: Apocalypse Now Dirty Dancing Jesus Christ Superstar Marathon Man La vita e bella The Big Lebowski The Good, The Bad & The Ugly The Great Escape The Matrix
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