Autostraddle's Best Lesbian, Queer & Bisexual Movies of All Time

Autostraddle's Best Lesbian, Queer & Bisexual Movies of All Time's icon

Created by PurpleGalaxy.

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Films aimed at lesbian, bisexual and queer women have never exactly been noted for their universal excellence. Hollywood is a notoriously sexist machine and it’s hard enough to get a solid film about women made, let alone a solid film about women who prefer the company of other women. While unprecedented progress is being made on television, film lags sadly behind, offering few, if any, portrayals of LGBTQ women.

Curating a ranked list of the best lesbian movies (and otherwise queer movies) of all time was not easy. It involved some rounds of nominations and voting from our own team members, Riese watching so many lesbian movies in such a short period of time that she lost her overall ability to determine “good” from “bad,” a surveyance of other lists and reading a ton of movie reviews to come up with the most objective list possible.

Note: This list was an updated version from the other same lists on this site. Autostraddle has since rehauled the list so completely I've made it into a newer, separate list. I've kept this list up despite being outdated in case anyone is curious as to what it used to be. The source URL on this will take you to an archived version of Autostraddle's list that matches this list.

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